I'm taking a poll.
vw has puked twice since getting to school. vw feels like crap. vw made it to school today (and through one class, even after pukage), so it doesn't appear to be vw avoiding school. All of vw's school work and reading is done. vw has no tests or quizzes today. vw wants to go home. vw is allowed one sick day and still allowed to get her iPod. Should vw go home?
Loving this exchange because A) I'm not in the line of fire
Sight-line moves at random, dear.
Can't hardly wait to get rid of the carpeting in my bathroom and kitchen. Soon, I hope.
vw should go home and count it as a HALF sick day. Meaning, you can do this again (as long as you get to school, then leave under these same general circumstances)
A full sick day should be one where you just don't leave the house, and obviously you've done so. Go home!
Maybe don't even count it as a half sick day. But definitely not the One Sick Day Allowed.
I'm surprised you asked, babe.
vw should go straight home and get some rest!
Never have missed that menstruation stuff.
I need carpet in the kitchen. We have tile in the whole house with rugs here and there, but alas none in the kitchen. I have broken 3 bowls in the last 2 days. Nothing survives a drop to tile. Also, standing on tile for long periods of time while cooking bothers my body.
vw should definitely go home.
Leaves chocolate and even more ibuprofen, with soothing hair pats and good bubble bath supplies before tiptoeing away...
The Bug has a phenomenal work ethic. I'm impressed.
Should vw go home?
Right now! And it doesn't count as a sick day because you went to school.
vw should go home and take care of herself. and not count this as a sick day -- you went to school.