I'm not liking this month. Can we just fastforward ten days or so and have it be April?
Now that Pete's birthday has arrived, yes. Just as long as the files I'm working on that need to be finished by April 1st magically fix themselves.
Waltz-tempo to the heart of Connie's DH.
So far, I've played Dinosaurs (I have a problem with pre-mature Rowring)
I love this sentence. I really really do.
I have a problem with pre-mature Rowring
t hands Lee a Viagrasaurus
May would be better. I have a huge event in April I'd rather just skip. Plus, that would make the F2F right around the corner, and I could use a vacation.
I've got this birthing thing coming up in April. I'd kind of like to not skip that part.
But after that, feel free to fast-forward.
This month has just sucked for so many people I know, and the suck keeps on coming. Friends have lost loved ones, good friends, pets, jobs, you name it.
You noticed my tag!
Oh, P-C!
Ah yes. You're new. It's what I do. These days, it's pretty much all I have time to do.
Cashmere and Emily have new tags.
Kristin has a new old tag.
March is my fault.
No, it's Nilly's fault.
Hmm. Well, what if we just skipped the labor part of April? Of course when little tickybox wanted to know her birthday you'd have to do one of those "*cough*weskippeditsometimeinApril*cough*"
I'm at Deena's! So far, I've played Dinosaurs (I have a problem with pre-mature Rowring), read three books, and sung "bahbahbah" with Aidan.
Soooooo jealous!! Rock little Aidan for me!
Don't even *mention* the word rock around Kara. Probably Not! a good idea.
Heart~ma to connie's dh!!!!
March. I hate being proven right. Evil nasty month.
But NO SKIPPING APRIL. I'm so looking forward to my Cali trip mid-month.
Oh, and guess what? I got four different part-time consultant type leads today already, just through word of month. Nothing official yet, but I also got asked to become a regular writer for one of the regional education journals. Holy crap, I only resigned today!
You are a hot commodity, Kristin.
Emphasis on the
Heart-ma for Connie's DH.
Kristin, that's great news!
Awwww, with the Aidan and Kara cuteness. You can only bogart it so long, Perkins, then you're going to have to give it up to the rest of us.
Oh, Connie, I got caught skimming. Heart-ma for your DH.