March. I hate being proven right. Evil nasty month.
But NO SKIPPING APRIL. I'm so looking forward to my Cali trip mid-month.
Oh, and guess what? I got four different part-time consultant type leads today already, just through word of month. Nothing official yet, but I also got asked to become a regular writer for one of the regional education journals. Holy crap, I only resigned today!
You are a hot commodity, Kristin.
Emphasis on the
Heart-ma for Connie's DH.
Kristin, that's great news!
Awwww, with the Aidan and Kara cuteness. You can only bogart it so long, Perkins, then you're going to have to give it up to the rest of us.
Oh, Connie, I got caught skimming. Heart-ma for your DH.
March has been fine for me. Even good, I'd venture to say.
Sorry if I bogarted all the good March.
March you evil bitch!!! (Link is work safe and will make no sense after tonight, as it is the weather forecast for tomorrow.) In like a lion, out like a liger.
Heartma for Connie's dh.
You know, when I said my house would be a mess, etc., when Lee got here, I was intending it to be a joke. She showed up before the bookshelf was off the floor, a toy bomb had just gone off, my hair is stringy, I look like... baboon ass might be bad enough.
However, we love her. Kara is willing to play with Lee despite the premature rowring incident(s), Aidan's actually looked at her a couple of times, and pinched her toes once, and she kept the small fry busy while I tidied up.
Also, I fixed the bookshelf. The screws weren't stripped, Kara had just removed all but one. The one she couldn't get out she knocked out, but I was able to get it to hold together and the books that will be on it will disguise the odd shape of the shelf.
So, all is well in Casa Deena and our tummies are full of fettucine and meat sauce.
Time to go tie the small fry into their beds.
Deena, have a good night with Lee! See you guys tomorrow!!!
connie, heart-ma for your DH. Silly heart. Get with the program!
March has been fine for me. Even good, I'd venture to say.
Moi, aussi. Which *could* mean we're in trouble for April. But I won't be pessimistic. This whole year so far has been pretty good for us.
Kenny! I haven't thought about Kenny in ages! How is he?
I thought I had copied something to paste and comment on, but it turns out I've still got a wacko religious website in my buffer, so no go there.
Must read about math education. Really. Just anytime now.
Don't even *mention* the word rock around Kara. Probably Not! a good idea.
Bwah! Can't wait to cuddle both of them.