I have a peephole. However, I'm also on the third floor of a building without an elevator. Salesfolk/Evangelists/Loonies rarely make it up past the second floor.
I don't answer the phone unless I know who it is or was expecting a call. I am very happy to have caller ID.
This too. I like to check the ID to see if I need to pick up and tell the telemarketer off or if I should swallow my food before answering to talk to a prospective employer.
No one calls my cell phone. It is a lonely and neglected piece of electronic equipment.
Mine is a pre-paid cell phone that I use rarely. It's mostly for emergencies, for when I'm travelling or other minimal uses. It is not my primary phone.
It's nearly 5, and we're all caught up here. Can I go home?
It's like any court case. Person A says beep. Person B says boop. Somebody has to lose. The fact that the Schiavo parents have lost doesn't mean that their case wasn't fully presented. It meant that they lost. Somebody had to lose.
This is also the way I see it. Not to mention the fact that her parents hint at rumors of spousal abuse to further their case. When it's unsubstatiated and only meant to prejudice the husband's case. I do understand that it's only Michael Schiavo's word that his wife didn't want to be kept alive. But whose word are we supposed to accept in these cases? By continuing this painful, emotional battle, it's only going to open up the courts to every custody/right-to-die case in the country if the families don't agree on the same course of action.
My FiL doesn't believe in organ transplant (no idea, don't ask me why). His wife had a brother who owed his life to a liver transplant. If my FiL dies first and his wife donates his organs, it is still her decision to make.
I know Terry's not dying and could probably be kept alive indefinitely. But if she didn't want that, why should her parents be allowed to impose their will on her--especially if they're completely biased?
Jessica, yes, go home.
Tell anyone who questions you to call me. I won't answer my phone.
BWAH! Even in light of today's incident with the coffee table, I would NEVER do this to Owen.
I swear! On my life!!
That bonnet is COOL. You should get it for him, but with ears.
I am putting everything in writing. What I want done, what I don't want done, what funeral I want (none), what I want done with my remains (use every single usable part. Take it all if it can be used. Let someone else benefit and live. Let that be my legacy. Burn the rest. And if you keep my ashes to be paired with Joe's later on, keep me in a Wizard of Oz cookie jar, for Heaven's sake. Hell, keep it in the kitchen so that people reach in and grab a handful of me. It'll be a great joke. Specially for the grandkids. "You're holding Grandma! You're holding Grandma!" If orgot why I used the parentheses.)
Oh my god, I should not be laughing this hard at work.
Cash, when I was Owen's age or slightly older, I had a penchant for standing up under a coffee table and splitting my scalp open. Did it more than once. My dad got real good at butterfly bandaging my head.
I don't remember it, or hold it against my parents for owning such a horrible coffee table..