Or the "bizzy bizzy bizzy bee" fetish, where you spiral your finger around somebody's nose and then beep it.
My mother used to do this to me. The only difference, though, is she wouldn’t touch me and I would still laugh uncontrollably.
Longest. Month. Of. The. Year.
Longer than August?
I have a hard time finding people, too.
For me, it’s not so much the searching as much as it’s just
remembering their names!
I mean, I have trouble remembering the names of the people that had almost the exact same class schedule at college that I did - 2 years ago. Out of sight, out of mind I guess.
I have a few scars but none that are terribly exciting. (The usual – skinning my knees, chicken pox, etc.) The one scar that won’t go away is a burn scar on my arm that I got when I accidentally touched my forearm to the edge of a hot skillet. I’m thinking it’s going to be a permanent discoloration.
The other scar that has a fun story includes me and a bunk bed. I was standing in the bottom bunk and tried to hold onto the top bunk while jumping up to get to the top bunk. My arms did not hold and I fell, scraping the entire front of my right shin on the wood of the bottom bunk. (It’s mostly faded now, but there are two indents about a foot apart to show where the scrape started and stopped.)
Pinching scars? Is your sister a lobster or other crustacean?
She used to take fingernails full of skin while telling my mother that I was hitting her.
Good god, Ginger, that's horrible.
She was an evil child. She's mellowed. The problem is that she had mild cerebral palsy and I wasn't allow to hit her. Certainly it kept me from ever buying into the saintly handicapped person trope.
Last curtain is sewn. Yay! Now I just have to sew on the rings. But, first I have to figure out how far apart they need to be the best way to sew them on...
Whoa - you have a blizzard warning?
Meanwhile, we're having spring.
Meanwhile, we're having spring.
Not fair. It started snowing again this morning. Argh.
Question from the lush-virgin: What are some good products to try for my first purchase from the Lush store?
Gotta love modern, urban living, yo.
The fella who does the shopping for the Inn...and drives folks around...just came to the door with my groceries.
Pedialyte, saltines, cough drops, soup...the flu's worst enemies.
Considering the emptiness of my larder and the achingness of my body, the fella's $12 fee seemed cheap at half the price.
I may actually survive.
Could somebody go to Blockbuster for me please?
or perhaps I could make due with something in the 200 + collection sitting a few feet from me
Thank dog I do not live in medievil times.
::flourishes tissue...cuddles up to warm soup I ddn't have to make myself::
I hate to complain about a high temp in 60s, but this is not normal March weather for NO.
Bath Bombs are fun, beathen. I like anything glittery.
Oh for fuck's sake:
The Senate majority leader said today Congress was inviting the severely brain-damaged woman at the heart of a heated debate to testify at an inquiry into her case.
Am I reading that right? Congress is inviting Terri Schiavo to TESTIFY? The woman who is so brain-damaged that she's in a persistent vegatative state? HOW would she testify?
Seriously, am I reading that wrong?