Robin is me at the dentist. Huh.
and wonder what kind of skank-ass teeth the dentist usually sees.
They see night before, and again on the morning of the appointment flossing. *Cough* so I hear. I mean to floss, really, I do.
Saliva production is a huge thing, re flossing. If you're a big drooly head, you're probably not as in need of flossing as the more moderate salivators.
Teppy, you crack me up with the evil hand quotage. I am glad you shared that, because I have been thinking about your boss all day since you told us, and I really needed to let it go, since I don't even know the man.
Whee. Traditional Green beer (Heinekin, natch) was had, and we got to listen to the traditional Irish Bagpipe music, played by traditional Irishmen in their traditional kilts.
Well, I guess that depends. The ones I'm picturing are pretty, though.
And now I'm reminded of the Stephen Wright bit, where he says he has a crush on his dental hygenist, and right before he goes in to get his teeth cleaned, he eats a whole bag of oreos.
Stephen wright is probably much funnier when you listen to him first hand.
OMG, that was him...I love that joke, and I love his stuff altogether, but somehow couldn't place it.
And now I'm reminded of the Stephen Wright bit, where he says he has a crush on his dental hygenist, and right before he goes in to get his teeth cleaned, he eats a whole bag of oreos.
Sean stole my brain. I was thinking exactly of this. I very nearly posted it.
Today's spam of the day comes to us from one Mr. Isidro Connell:
Get all the mads you need in one place! bassett
I'm utterly charmed, for no reason I can think of. Though bassetts are good, whether hound or Angela.
As someone who got crap luck when drawing her teeth, yes.
With you there. Sucks.
t taunty
I have Cash's brain.... I have Cash's brain....
t wears Cash's brain on head
Look at me, I'm Davey Crockett....
t /taunty
Great, yet another brain theif.
Careful with that brain! You'll get it all dirt.
(looks at thread header)
Carry on then. Make sure she gets it back.