The jokes that were flying between a select few of us at a dear, close friend's funeral? Both in very, very bad taste, and hysterically funny. I think it was good and healthy, for those of us in the van at the time.
Oh, yes, the only thing keeping me from regaling the things I was giggling over at a good friend's wake is the fact that I don't really remember what they were. I'm all about the "inappropriate" humor. A necessary part of my grieving process, it would seem.
I just have to be careful when and where I whip it out.
This ad actually makes me want to take up smoking: [link]
We have discovered that our new dog has a Special Secret Ninja fighting style. She demonstrates it with great enthusiasm at the dog park on all comers. Her style involves putting her big giant head under her (always much larger) opponent until she knocks them over, then quickly turning around and sitting on their head.
Very funny to watch.
I read "jokes in poor taste" and it felt like a shout-out. So, hey!
This is generally the way it works in non-fighty dog/cat households, especially after the first time the dog gets a fully unclawed paw across the snout.
I was living in a household with TWELVE cats, when a large dog was added to the mix. The dog scared the crap out of all the cats, and was enjoying chasing them throughout the house.
Until he got to my cat. My cat popped him in the nose so hard, he ran and hid for two days.
My cat was, like several of us with The Humans, not terribly fond of The Other Animals.
That's hilarious, Robin. My dog's secret fighting style is to lie on his back, appearing all submissive, and taking down other dogs from that position. I can't believe he gets away with it.
My dog's secret fighting style is to lie on his back, appearing all submissive, and taking down other dogs from that position. I can't believe he gets away with it.
Yeah, that works really REALLY well...
Makes me wonder how important that "every day" thing is.
I think it depends on your teeth, honestly. Unfortunately, not all teeth are created equally good.
Did that sentence make any sense?
Yeah, I actually floss about once a week, but my teeth are always better than the BF's, who flosses everyday. Luck of the draw.