Yeah, the fake news reports are pretty bad too. I'm not a fan of my tax dollars being spent on propaganda.
Well, they were anyway. The CIA is the biggest publisher in the world. A big chunk of their purpose is spreading propaganda (in other countries). Still, the blatant shamelessness of it takes me aback. I just see so many encroachments on civil liberties on so many fronts. I don't want to live Bush's vision of America. It's the fucking Wishverse, a complete perversion of the Constitution.
Just checking in. ~ma to askye's and Susan's dadas. Bad dad mojo going on this week. My dad has a little bit, but nothing as serious, thanks god.
And, god Steph, I am so sorry about what your boss has been going through. No one deserves that. Except maybe people who rob Girl Scouts for cookie money.
And whoo, Sean, with his midweek walk o'shame!
Also, could someone please ask the attention craving temp in my office to please SHUT UP already? kthxbye!
Well, they were anyway. The CIA is the biggest publisher in the world.
I was thinking more in-country propaganda.
Looking at what Cindy posted, leaves me compelled to post:
KELLERMAN: Ok, but this is the last time. Oy vey is mir. I'm so meshuggeneh, I could plotz.
MUNCH: Do it again.
K: No!
I tried to restrain myself but it could only lead to tsuris.
I was thinking more in-country propaganda.
Yeah. I think this is a bad idea and contributes to the Sovietization of our country, where people get more and more cynical about this stuff.
t perky
I know! Jessica Simpson! Everyone loves her, and she's so cute!
t /perky, resumes sulking over a bubbleheaded blonde playing Daisy Duke
I thought Catherine Bach was supposed to have been an airhead herself.
t driveby
I'moveratCBStodayandit'sreallycrazyoverhereandtherequestsjustkeepco mingandI'mbeingdrivenmaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
On the plus side, we just our security deposit back from our old place, and we got back all of it. I'm a little suspicious, because I've never gotten a security deposit back, EVER, but hey, free money!
I want to go on a reckless spending spree, but DH seems to think we "need" it to "pay our taxes," or something. Pffft, I say.
Yeah. I think this is a bad idea and contributes to the Sovietization of our country, where people get more and more cynical about this stuff.
Molly Ivin's last column was about this.
She says that this started with the Clinton administration, but the Bush administration has ramped things up even more. So shame on Clinton and Bush both.
I want to go on a reckless spending spree, but DH seems to think we "need" it to "pay our taxes," or something. Pffft, I say.
Jessica made me giggle. So did Sean with his walk-drive o' shame.
Tep, I'm so sorry about your boss. How horrible.
ION, I got my teeth cleaned this morning, and I think the hygentist was actually trying to push them out of my gums. OW. I have a pretty high pain threshold, but OW. OW OW OW.