WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush said on Wednesday he would not send Congress a specific plan to change Social Security because it would be "dead on arrival" and admitted his idea of personal accounts would not fix the retirement system.
Overhauling Social Security is Bush's top domestic priority but polls show a lack of public enthusiasm even after he spent weeks traveling the country to promote the notion.
"The first bill on the Hill always is dead on arrival," Bush said. "I have not laid out a plan yet, intentionally."
In the Prez' defense, he wants a bipartisan bill to show up, not one of his creating, but it sure sounds like, "No, I'm not going to tell you what the plan is, you'll only make fun of it. Just approve it."
Shit. I think I really fucked up. I'm not going to panic until Emily gets home and the two of us can measure this together. But, fuck. I really think I messed up.
I like the Goth!Teppy pictures. I think they're cute.
Me, too. I really love the first one. Rrrowr.
Me three. And I totally agree with Ple's angling for the Gothabilly vibe.
Aimee! Check out this link for my comic store: [link] and then click on "Trade," and scroll down to the last picture.
The guys who run the store crack me UP. When I go pick up my comics, I'm going to ask what I have to trade to get that.
Lisa Loeb is HAWT.
She's cute. I'm more shocked she's with Dweezil Zappa though.
The breakdown on the ANWR vote:
Three Democratic senators, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Daniel Akaka and Daniel Inouye, both of Hawaii, joined 48 Republicans in endorsing drilling today. Seven Republicans joined 41 Democrats and Senator James Jeffords, independent of Vermont, in opposing it. Those seven were John S. McCain of Arizona, Norm Coleman of Minnesota, Mike DeWine of Ohio, Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, Gordon Smith of Oregon and Susan Collins and Olympia J. Snowe, both of Maine.
vw, if there's one thing I've learned from watching zillions of home repair shows, it's that curtains are always fixable as long as you have a sewing machine. ("House Invaders" is very big on updating curtains with a contrasting sewn on edge, which looks fab and makes them fit different-sized windows)
Dammit. I knew Mary Landrieu was to blame. She's getting a letter.