And, if a fic were going to be AU, could I plausibly hook a very corrupt Commissioner Montoya up with cryptic Det. Tim Drake?
Montoya in something het gives me pause. She's my canon lesbian asskicker, yo.
(For some reason, though, I like the notion of a Very Corrupt Commissioner Barbara Gordon hooked up with a cryptic Det. Tim Drake.)
"You say that word all the time. I don't think it means what you think it means."ETA: Want more bat-comics than first few Gotham Centrals.
GC= Massive H:LOTS lovefest, though. I want to marry it.
Whereas I'm trying to decide if I want to go to Goth Night tonight, or if I'd rather stay home because I. Can't. Wake. Up. Soooooo sleeeeeeeepy.
I'm sleepy too, but this is the only Wednesday I don't have class, and tonight's Goth Night, and and and... unfortunately, I don't know if I know anyone who'll be going. I'm way out of the scene.
I like the Goth!Teppy pictures. I think they're cute.
Me, too. I really love the first one. Rrrowr.
(For some reason, though, I like the notion of a Very Corrupt Commissioner Barbara Gordon hooked up with a cryptic Det. Tim Drake.)
Hmm. Babs was going to be my apeshit-crazy vigilante. (This is my World-Without-Batman idea, where Bruce never became the Bat.) Though perhaps apeshit-crazy vigilante Babs could still hook up with cryptic Det. Timmerz.
Teppy, I like your goth pics. That lipstick is fabulous.
I'd love to see Plei and Jilli goth you up. We have similar coloring and I could steal ideas. (I don't know how well I'd goth. I think I'm too blonde/milkmaidy and probably too old.)
Teppy, I too like the photos. Trade the white T-shirt for something dark and either low-slung or clingy, slap on some dark shadow, and you're good to go!
Damn, I wish my period would start. I've got a nasty case of PMS psychosis going on, and I'm getting very tired of fighting back tears at the songs on my playlist.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush said on Wednesday he would not send Congress a specific plan to change Social Security because it would be "dead on arrival" and admitted his idea of personal accounts would not fix the retirement system.
Overhauling Social Security is Bush's top domestic priority but polls show a lack of public enthusiasm even after he spent weeks traveling the country to promote the notion.
"The first bill on the Hill always is dead on arrival," Bush said. "I have not laid out a plan yet, intentionally."
In the Prez' defense, he wants a bipartisan bill to show up, not one of his creating, but it sure sounds like, "No, I'm not going to tell you what the plan is, you'll only make fun of it. Just approve it."