But, let me get this straight. He called work before he called 911??
Forgive me for my cynical snicker. My dad has been to the hospital *27* times in the past 11 years for heart-related issues, and he only called 911 this most recent time. All the other times? He drove himself. If he hadn't been retired, he would have called work first. Hell, half the time he wouldn't even call me until the next day.
Teppy = not!goth.
I'm pretty sure that Jilli and Ple could give you a creditable goth makeover. Your whiteyness can be put to use.
{{{askye & dad}}} I am glad it was mild. I hope you can get some useful information, soon.
Health-ma to your dad, askye
F-i-l drives himself to the hospital for almost all of his heart attacks.
I'm pretty sure that Jilli and Ple could give you a creditable goth makeover.
Askye, it will be OK. It will suck, but it will be ok.
They may not be able to mend a BROKEN heart, but they can do lots of things to repair the pump.
Dad had a HA in 98, and had to have a triple-bypass. Scary as fucking hell, but he's still rolling along, as full of piss and vinegar as ever.
Perkins, did you send it to gmail or hotmail?
Your folks have had a handful, Erin.