Askye, it will be OK. It will suck, but it will be ok.
They may not be able to mend a BROKEN heart, but they can do lots of things to repair the pump.
Dad had a HA in 98, and had to have a triple-bypass. Scary as fucking hell, but he's still rolling along, as full of piss and vinegar as ever.
Perkins, did you send it to gmail or hotmail?
Your folks have had a handful, Erin.
Dude, sounds like Steph is challenging Plei and Jilli's skillz.
Time for a GothOff!
Hee -- could do a Photoshop Gothing of Tep? I would love to see that!
askye - much health-ma for your dad.
chikat -- forwarded.
Much health~ma headed towards your dad, askye. And hugs and ~ma to you too.
Yeah, Cindy, they have.
Mom: Agoraphobia, depression, anxiety attacks, endometrisis, fibroids, hysterectomy, lung cancer, diabetes
Dad: Heart attack, depression, two knee surgeries.
Plus me in the loony bin for a couple of days after a accidental OD and my chronic severe depression.
Amazingly, they are pretty happy.
Hee -- could do a Photoshop Gothing of Tep? I would love to see that!
Heh. You've seen me. I'm the St. Pauli Girl. Goth + Tep = unmixy things.
I have seen you, and I've seen more unlikely Gothed out chicas.