So, my cold has dried up. Which is great! But now my nose, instead of gushing like the Nile in flood, is dried up like the Sahara. It is sore and red and scaly like a lizard.
I miss my normal nose.
But I have chocolate-covered cherries. And I can breathe again.
I rarely heard these really wacky ideas before the mid 90's, and I think they really ARE getting more common--but they're also magnified and exaggerated by the fact any nutjob can get a webpage.
Actually my article came from Foundation for the Family, so it's not just from any nutjob.
What's the file size and format?
It's nearly nine megs, and it's a PowerPoint XP file.
I'd better skip the visuals then, but I'd like to read the text.
I'll give it a try tomorrow at work, P-C. I'm not sure I'll be able to open everything, but that's when I have time.
Actually my article came from Foundation for the Family, so it's not just from any nutjob.
True. What I'm saying is that there's more than one factor involved. Some of it really is the conservatives getting more conservative. But some of it is Bob, who always had crazy ideas, now gets to air them for the world to see instead of just blathering on about them at the Wednesday night Bible study and annoying the people who are stuck with him IRL.
Argh! Scary, but true.
Of course, me and livejournal? Completely different. La, la, pyramids.
"Austen". It's the Law: always one misspelling in a snark.
Damn. This is so true for me. I get so rushed to snark I always miss the easy misspellings. Which could mean they'll print it, just to teach me a lesson.
Huh. All teh talk about yelling in krav--that's not even something I really think of when I think of the classes. I mean, sure they were yelling, but we were in a big gym, just saying something wouldn't really be helpful, half of us wouldn't hear you. It was more of a they'd be wanting everyone to keep going and push it and not wimp out...and I'd be about to have a heart attack and pass out, but didn't want to be the one person wimping issues, more than theirs. But at the same time, they definitely don't make it easy for people to "adapt", even though they claim to. Which, if they didn't claim to, wouldn't bother me.
My brain is trying to claw its way out of my skull, and I just found out I have to come up with another $389 to fix the basement bathroom floor.
Aww. Big hugs, Kristin.
Once I am recognized as supreme ruler, EVERYONE will take daily naps, at least one, and possibly as many as four, and will have mandatory snack breaks
OOoh. I vote Cindy for Supreme Ruler.
I vote Cindy for Supreme Ruler.
I'm volunteering to be her campaign manager.
I have cake. I decided to break in Owen's birthday cake pan. I'm so never making another cake from scratch again. It tastes good--but not any better than a box mix. And it's certainly not worth all that sifting I had to do.