I opened the window and listened to the rain and frogs most of the night - and then birds this morning
Dang, Stephanie has SPRINGTIME. No FAIR!
Brad Pitt's body is unblemished perfection. Sometimes I forget just how pretty he actually is
Even lesbians agree. Or at least, me and Melissa Etheridge.
(re krav:) I really liked it, even though it brought out my shyness
Yeah, something about being told to be superagressive made me...not. Even though normally I'm not shy (though, as seen in the "no I did not email that girl", I can be cowardly. Different.)
I've just discovered that there are easily accessible classes at the DC JCC...so the motivation is high
Beej, they're hella expensive, but pretty cool. I did, though, end up having my first ever asthma attack while trying to keep up with class. So, getting in some kinda shape first might be a good idea, even if it isn't strictly necessary--they SAY you can adapt it as you need and take it at your own pace, but when they're screaming at you and you're trying to keep up and wanting to be part of the class...well...
Hmm. I think perhaps I am the interesting person in my family right now...my sister had it for awhile with the drama of the fiance and wedding, but...
I'm going to go cuddle my smallish, 15 year fixed rate (5.5%) mortgage
Much as I love DC, one of the reasons I think I'll eventually ahve to move is I can't fathom being able to afford a mortagage here. Even if I someday had a girlfriend to buy a place WITH. Hmph.
Another reason to love the work of the Reverend Al Green, it makes my brother remember an elsewhere to be.
That fills me with the Spirit, too.
Beej, they're hella expensive, but pretty cool. I did, though, end up having my first ever asthma attack while trying to keep up with class. So, getting in some kinda shape first might be a good idea, even if it isn't strictly necessary--they SAY you can adapt it as you need and take it at your own pace, but when they're screaming at you and you're trying to keep up and wanting to be part of the class...well...
Thanks for the tip Meara. I kinda suspected they were not being completely straight with me on the fitness point. I WOULD try to keep up and might do some damage. But since the intro isn't until mid April, I've got some time. And now? A motivation.
Hm. Screaming. Not so motivational for me though.
I had a personal trainer once who just had this quiet way of getting me to work for him. I respected him so much, I would push past anything I thought I could do. Hearing him say,"Whoa. You've really got heart" made me work like a machine.
Screaming? nsm.
eta: "to time"? Huh. I even stutter when I type.
Well, I mean, I WANTED to be good for them, I really did. The main instructor lady is kinda scary (she looks kind of like a Cardassian!!) but the other instructors were really awesome.
Depends on the screaming.
It's been nothin' but kids and dogs lately...we're a quart low on innuendo.
ION, my brother is surprised my stepmonster called my dad a chauvinist...me too. I didn't know she knew words that big.
Meara, did you take classes at the JCC location, or the other not-Metro friendly place?
Good point by you erica. Certain kinds of screaming can be especially motivating. Particularly if it's mine.
I jumped on the Buff Diving bandwagon. Good lord you people are fucking funny.
I took an intro class at the JCC awhile back, and most of my other classes at the elementary school in Mount Pleasant, becuase it's on my way home and I could, in theory, walk there.
Cass has a new tag.
Also, hi, Almare! Apparently you're new. And you ventured into Bitches already? Wow, you're braver than I.
Does anyone need hugs?