Your stepfather is related to Mary Baker Eddy?
Yep. My stepsister had someone, who I think was a Christian Scientist, freak on her in college wanting to know all about them. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending) my stepdad isn't that close with a lot of them.
It did, I think, have an effect on how I saw his descisions with respect to Alex. When your son is that sick, how does it feel to have grown up Christian Scientist and rejected it? I know that when his sister died of cancer, there was a while that he didn't even know because talking about it gave the disease power.
I think Heather has appropriately resurrected an old tag.
Yes, yes I did. Someone else was resurrecting theirs, and I remembered I had this one stored away.
What about
Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning
Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed
Since I'm there.
Dear FedEx,
I hate your Website. When I entered my address to find the nearest location, and then clicked on the location to get driving directions, the directions to get to a TOTALLY DIFFERENT location appeared.
Oh, and thanks for not giving a phone number so I could call to make sure the place is actually there and open today. If I show up at the designated address and there's just an empty parking lot, you die. I'm only using you because the USPS is closed today.
Have a rotten day,
Poor Tep. You don't have a Kinko's handy? They all have FedEx now, I believe.
And cereally- (eta: or not. It takes me too long to get my words out)
When I said "gives me pause," I didn't mean in a bad way. It's just strange seeing the name here. I don't know why. We talk about religion and stuff all the time.
It's like when this guy whose family is big into real estate here and big name around here (they're sort of a Ewing/Trump hybrid) was hanging out at the bar a lot. I never really read the business section of the paper, so I didn't see the name out of a personal context, and then one day in my college econ class, there was a discussion about them.
It's just a strange feeling.
Yeah, the FedEx website, crackerjack piece of the Internets that it is, doesn't even list my closest Kinko's.
I know, I know, you're going to suggest I call that Kinko's. But really, that Kinko's has only street parking, as it's in the middle of the University area, and I'd rather just drive to Mystery Location Where There May Or May Not Be A FedEx. Bah.
Parking is a good reason to choose teh Mystery Location. I hope there's a FedEx there when you find it.
My parents went looking for a auto shop that they found in the yellow pages and looked up the addresss on mapquest and when they got tere it was an empty lot. Luckily, someone in a nearby business took pity on them as they stared at the lot bemusedly and told them where the shop was.