She's done! She's done! vw is the one!
t Does a small, clumsy "vw is having a great semester" dance
Putting 50 surveys in alphabetical order on your "works cited" page.
I usually just put things in a table and sort them A-Z. This is in tiny type because I suspect vw is already done.
There's no question that Bev will be remembered, fondly and often.
I woke up at 3:00 and it took reading, hot cocoa and stacking cats to get me back to sleep at 6:30. Then I slept to 11:30 and now I feel like I've been rode hard and put up wet.
I have to set the Tivo from tomorrow's Oprah. Apparently my niece is in the audience. She would be the dark-haired woman with the dimple in the first row, sitting next to the blonde woman who is chose to hold Oprah's hand while Oprah has her ears pieced.
I'm shuddering at the torture you are willing to endure.
Well, if it helps, I mock.
First coat of paint in the kitchen is done, trim in the living room/dining room is done. Some of the trim in the hall is done.
The bizarre wiring issue in the basement has been taken care of, leaving two smallish holes in the drywall for me to patch.
My god, Anne! Look at you go!
Just reading Anne's painting posts makes me want to lie down.
Just reading Anne's painting posts makes me want to lie down.
Personally, I think I'm getting high from the fumes. I may need to go buy a mask of some kind.
Watches the productive people be productive while defiantly painting fingernails purple.
I just woke up for the third time. I think this one may stick, but I need coffee, stat.
Where's my vw?
Go vw! Go Anne! You're making me tired just reading about you. Vicarious accomplishment, though, it's a good thing.
Yay, Lilty relaxing. This is, like, a first ever, right? Purple toenails are a yay, too, when they're only painted on. I've had purple toenails from smacking my toe on something--painful, and not so pretty.
Laura! Geez, I never get to post at the same time as you. Ginger, I'd watch, but I don't even know what time Oprah is on. I'll try to catch this one, though.
Okay, DH is sorting through the Sunday circulars from Best Buy, Circuit City and elsewhere. Is it really mean of me to want to upgrade my own laptop and give the one we have now to the kid who needs a computer, instead of buying said kid (who is too broke to afford the computer he wants) a brand-new desktop system? Same money... my generosity is fighting with my aquisitive tendencies, and using "It's a free computer! He's got no cause to quibble!" as an excuse.
More coffee needed. At once.