I once got in an argument with someone about how everyone should be vegetarian. I was in a Mood, so I said, "Even the Inuit in the Arctic, where nothing plant-like grows most of the year?" "Yes, even them!" "So, what, we overthrow their centuries of tradition and ship vegetables in to them?" "You're just trying to make things difficult!" "And the goat and cattle herders of Africa, they should become vegan, too?" "I'm not talking to you anymore."
But, really, I do understand the concept, respect for life means respect for life, period. The pagan in me, though, says, Don't turn a living being into a commodity. Acknowledge that the cheeseburger you're devouring came at the cost of a creature's life, and don't be wasteful with it. Possibly some of this comes from growing up in farm country, where the local 4H kids would handraise a calf, show it at the county fair, sell it to the local supermarket, where it would be on display in the parking lot for one week, then in the meat department the next week. And everyone would look at the cuts and meat and say, "Wow, that's gorgeous meat. So-and-so raised that calf really well."
those who believe in an afterlife, lack the appropriate reverence and respect for the earthly lives of others
This, unfortunately, demonstrates a church teaching from the Middle Ages and such, that the poor should be quiet and accept their lot in life, because they are building riches in heaven and this earthly life is not important. Amazing how the rich never seemed to get that sermon--except when someone was looking for large donations.
Things Joe and I have accomplished today:
Things I have accomplished today:
- Spent lots of money without leaving the couch
... um... crap, I'm lazy.
Things I have accomplished today:
- You basically already know, so I won't bore you again.
Hey, Em, I'm around.
I was cleaning the bathroom -- very exciting. But I can take a bath tonight, and have a new fluffy clean rug.
Now I'm downloading songs on iTunes as my treat. Wheee! This is fun!
Erin, I looked long and hard, but the magazine does not appear to be online.
things accomplished today
- breakfast at the cafe
- walk
- some of the weeds pulled in the side yard ( 1/2 hour to fill the green can)
- went to the hardware store to buy two things, but they had a sale - fit what you can in this paper sack and get 20% off. spent 80 dollars at the 100 dollar store.
- threw a bunch of grass seed on the ground.
- caught up in natter and bitches.