What makes you think he was a great teacher?
My religious education stopped in seventh grade, and as such is woefully lacking of the tools I would need for any sort of adult discussion. So it isn't really something I can logically defend, though I probably should be able to if I'm going to say it in a place like this.
That said ... I like not judging. I like being kind to those who are not kind to you. I like clothing the naked and feeding the hungry. I like that he accepted people who were cast out by mainstream society.
All the usual things lefties who don't really know the bible will say, I suspect.
Cindy, that was utterly gorgeous.
the deep faith I see in Catholics like JZ
Half the time my faith feels skin deep. It's a constant struggle -- a worthwhile one, that strengthens and deepens me, but I'm incessantly plagued by doubts and scruples and a ghastly Lovecraftian horror of the vastness and indifference of the universe. But I think I have the faith gene that Lyra and Jen lack (possibly I have both of theirs as well as my own, which would explain a great deal). I'm physically incapable of
believing, doubts and fears and all.
ION, heh. I just got a call from the mock clinic people. They desperately need someone this Sunday and I couldn't turn it down -- they want me to be a sullen, irritable, heroin-addicted singer in a rock band with infective endocarditis. I kind of think I have to do it.
a sullen, irritable, heroin-addicted singer in a rock band with infective endocarditis.
They want you to be Charlie! With endocarditis.
Can you BE sullen in bloomers?
Must ask Jilli.
Can you BE sullen in bloomers?
Must ask Jilli.
Yes. It's a bit tricky, but it can be done. One can also be sullen in a stripey skirt, velvet jacket, and top hat, as I've discovered today.
I suppose I should go image-Google track marks so I can do the makeup, but the thought makes me faintly queasy. It's much more fun to think about costumes.
How close will the audience be, JZ? I mean, can't you just do some arm and leg bruises, surrounded some scar tissue?
I'm sorry you were channeling Sullen!Goth today, Jilli. But I'm sure you were sullen and pretty.
I'm sorry you were channeling Sullen!Goth today, Jilli. But I'm sure you were sullen and pretty.
That's what Pete said on the phone, just a few minutes ago.
looks around suspiciously
You people are talking behind my back, aren't you?
I'm still kinda sullen and cranky, and also cranky because I don't want to BE cranky. I would stamp my feet and growl, but have been informed by certain people that doing that is terribly cute, not fierce. H
Yeah, Pete and me are on each other's speed-dial, purely for HottVicarious JilliGossip.
Yeah, Pete and me are on each other's speed-dial, purely for HottVicarious JilliGossip.
I *knew* it! Ha!
(puts Grrr!PoutyGoth music back on)