I'm sorry you were channeling Sullen!Goth today, Jilli. But I'm sure you were sullen and pretty.
That's what Pete said on the phone, just a few minutes ago.
looks around suspiciously
You people are talking behind my back, aren't you?
I'm still kinda sullen and cranky, and also cranky because I don't want to BE cranky. I would stamp my feet and growl, but have been informed by certain people that doing that is terribly cute, not fierce. H
Yeah, Pete and me are on each other's speed-dial, purely for HottVicarious JilliGossip.
Yeah, Pete and me are on each other's speed-dial, purely for HottVicarious JilliGossip.
I *knew* it! Ha!
(puts Grrr!PoutyGoth music back on)
Erin, super close. Teeny tiny little exam room one-on-one with a med student who does a non-invasive physical exam.
In somewhat unrelated but kinda related new, my tiara from the F2F has made it into my classroom, where anyone who reads a Juliet part has to wear it. (Romeo's get fake swords and sashes made from old scarves.)
Several girls have started to claim it at the beginning of class and wear it on non-Romeo and Juliet days. It's a hot commodity.
It completely tickles me to have little teenage queens forget that they have it on and start working on grammar assignments in my tiara.
EDIT: Ah, JZ. Well, my days as a bad girl are, thankfully, of no use to you here. Needles, scary.
Yeah, it really is. And I don't have enough fake swords, so I also have a frosting tool and two dough kneading attachments for a mixer that I never use that I brought in as swords and daggers for Benvolio, Tybalt and Mercutio.
Teenagers "fencing" with dough kneaders and starting to use "do your bite your thumb at me, sir?!" as casual classroom insults?
Comedy GOLD.
I would stamp my feet and growl, but have been informed by certain people that doing that is terribly cute, not fierce
Hubby and I were walking home from dinner one night, when we passed a couple of girls looking in windows and squealing in delight at the displays. We managed to muffle our grins, but they heard him say to me, "They're cute." They spun on us, outraged, and one of them stamped her foot and proclaimed, "Not cute!" Hubby and I couldn't help but laugh, and the other one made kitten spitting noises and waved her curled fingers at us. They then scurried away, and we went home, still laughing.