It's good to be an informed, intelligent consumer, but I shouldn't have to maintain this kind of watch over my husband's health. The new drug the doc wants him to take is Aciphex. $150 for a month's worth. We gasped and said we'd get back to them. My company does matching funds before we hit the drug deductable, so I was going to chat with the accountant for an advance.
Not anymore, I'm not. I just checked with WebMD for infor on Aciphex. Saw the list of known drugs that have iffy inter-reactions. Yep, there's one Hubby's already on. Do not take the two together before you talk to the doctor. Now, we showed them Hubby's drug list. I'd bet good money the doctor never saw that list, he just automatically prescribes Aciphex for acid reflux. The drug aggrivates liver problems, as do several of Hubby's current drugs. Fortunately, this probably means we'll get a cheaper version.
Beware, the intelligent, protective wife with an Internet connection.
You're good, Connie. And your doctor kinda blows for not checking what drugs your husband was already taking. Geez.
I'm figuring the doc today has an automatic "Acid reflux, prescribe Acifex." I'll be generous and not wonder what the drug rep bought for him for Christmas.
So Acifex is just an acid reflux reflex.
Shouldn't you be writing something other than puns?
Gmail has enabled Popmail support.
It's been that way since November. I don't think they've done a good job of publicizing that, though.
connie, I'd like you around if I ever have to take more than 2 medicines at a time.
connie, I'd like you around if I ever have to take more than 2 medicines at a time.
Hubby's on a good dozen. It's a matter of a continually updated list in my Palm Pilot and the WebMD website.
Should I hire myself out as a drug wrangler? Maybe I should have gone to pharmacy school.
I'd pay big bucks to make sure I don't die from drug interactions. IJS.
If you ever do find yourself taking multiple drugs, chat up your pharmacist. The ones we go to never object to taking a few minutes to explain things.
Or, we can hit up WebMD for you here. Insert standard, "I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on the Internet" disclaimer.
Speaking of drug of the shitty things that happened in Michigan was my grandfather, suffering from some back pain, decided that taking Vioxx (whap) and motrin TOGETHER was a good idea. His kidneys promptly said "Fuck you" and crapped out. In the hospital the 3rd day we were there. However, the blood draws showed that the cancer, which has been inactive (myeloma doesn't go into remission), is active again and he wouldn't have found out until his next blood draw for the oncologist in March.
He's not allowed to take pills on his own anymore.
And here's something strange....I asked my grandma if she threw out the remainder of the Vioxx and she said no. WTF??