Steph, that is my version of Catholicism. If human life is sacrosanct, yet God gave each and every one of us a free will, how on earth can I take away another's right to exercise that free will, even if it is contradictory to my personal beliefs?
The Church provides a guide on how to live one's life. Ultimately, it is up to the individual on how to practice one's faith. At the end, the pope will not be the arbiter of justice; it is God who determines whether one lived a Christian life.
Get thee behind me, Zmayhem.
::obediently gets behind Teppy::
::surreptitiously checks out her ass::
Just stopping in to read eveything in between downloading my portfolio and resume on my NEW JUMP DRIVE ( I love it! I feel like such a technogeek with it, and AIFG?!), watching all of this season's 24 and snarfing too much excellent pizza.
When I'm standing up there getting frustrated trying to teach bored kids why it;s important to learn how to think and consider one's personal viewpoints and ethics, it's y'all I'll be thinking of as exemplars.
Well, I just figured out why my mom didn't seem to understand how much work a Ph.D. entailed.
She didn't understand how much work a Ph.D. entailed. She thought it was simply a matter of taking more classes. She didn't realize there were years of hardcore research involved, and it could take any number of years until you accumulated enough data to write a thesis.
She keeps asking me if it was possible to make a living with a Master's. And maybe I'm becoming better about not snapping at her, or maybe I'm just so bloody tired, but my responses were delivered...less snappishly. "Lots of people make a living with a Master's. Lots of people make a living without one. Don't worry. I'll find something."
I just want this post b/c it's the DRD number.
t /Farscape dork
And now that I've obtained it, off to bed!
t edit one more time
I just numberslutted a DRD number. No wonder I can't get laid.
Ah, it's lefty liberal Christian night.
Well, since I've ragged on the Catholic Church and ranted at the Christian Right, it's only fair for me to note Some people live their faith (Liberation Theology Nun killed defending the poor in Brazil).
Also, Local columnist Jon Caroll has to eat a small amount of crow after making broad generalizations about Christians. To his credit, he makes a graceful mea culpa.
Gmail has enabled Popmail support.
It's good to be an informed, intelligent consumer, but I shouldn't have to maintain this kind of watch over my husband's health. The new drug the doc wants him to take is Aciphex. $150 for a month's worth. We gasped and said we'd get back to them. My company does matching funds before we hit the drug deductable, so I was going to chat with the accountant for an advance.
Not anymore, I'm not. I just checked with WebMD for infor on Aciphex. Saw the list of known drugs that have iffy inter-reactions. Yep, there's one Hubby's already on. Do not take the two together before you talk to the doctor. Now, we showed them Hubby's drug list. I'd bet good money the doctor never saw that list, he just automatically prescribes Aciphex for acid reflux. The drug aggrivates liver problems, as do several of Hubby's current drugs. Fortunately, this probably means we'll get a cheaper version.
Beware, the intelligent, protective wife with an Internet connection.