Kalshane, I so know your pain. I don't know what it is that medical school does to people; I know so, so many who are brilliant and brave and miracle workers as physicians, but who need to be forcibly prevented from involving themselves in anything not strictly medical. Paperwork, record-keeping, database maintenance, formatting Word docs, scheduling meetings, preparing mass mailings, designing pamphlets and web pages -- for every one doctor who actually has a clue in hell what s/he's doing, there are forty who will fuck it up so badly it makes you cry.
And then, if you try to fix it, will overexplain what they were TRYING to do. I don't care what you were trying to do and I sure as hell don't care why, and I especially don't care to sit for two hours listening to you deliver a dissertation on why as a doctor you feel it is only right that when I pry it out of your hands I start doing it exactly your way.
Paperwork is not perfectly analagous and identical to patient care; in fact, not so much at all. The fact that you're brilliant at what you actually do -- great, but almost totally irrelevant to what any of the rest of us do.
Please, please, please, for the love of all that's holy. All we ask of you is that, in return for your paycheck which is on average worth four of any of ours, you (a) keep your mitts off our shit, and (b) stop bloviating at us about it. We don't care. If you want us to care, pay us what you make. Till then, STFU.
Thank you oh so very much.