Go Cheerios! Choose Cheerios!
(My last bout with Return of the Stomach Contents was assuaged by eating Cheerios one at a time, dry, while watching the entire 4 hours of
The Great Escape.
If not for vomiting, I would never get around to re-watching that movie!)
Cindy, chocolate cures everything.
"I think I'm gonna barf."
"Except that."
I have a cup 'o' noodles lying about my desk. But suddenly, I am craving candy.
I never thought I could feel smug for having BOTH ramen noodles AND Russell Stover chocolate in my desk.
Jesse, stop taunting me with your MSG laden Ramen.
Sorry, Cindy. You can't have any anyway, since I'm going to eat it. Too much sugar. Must balance with salt.
Mmmmm, MSG. I will go "cook" those noodles now.
Why can't they make a sticker that will stick ON when I want it to, and come OFF when I want it to?
No, the post-it will not solve my problem. I need a sticker that stays on for a year or three, THEN comes off.
Yes, I spent 6 years in a PhD program so I could spend my afternoons scraping stickers off of books.
I know, Cindy. I should've slapped Garrison Keillor for putting that old gag in "The Book of Guys" so that I might be reminded thereof.
and now, i just had an orange off my tree. that's what Cindy should be having
(Uh-oh, shrift is onto the snowglobe)
I knew there was a reason why my ergonomic office chair came with a seatbelt and a base bolted to the floor, but damn it, guys, every time you shake the globe, all my pens disappear to go hang out with the socks missing from the dryer!
But it does shed some light on the incident where I inexplicably ended up with lemon chiffon yogurt smeared over my shirt and pants...