If there are any left at the store tomorrow, I'm totally buying myself a heart-shaped box of chocolates, and then I'm going to eat half of each one. Except the really good ones.
My parents were invited to a holiday party with instructions to bring a $15 gift for someone from 7 to 70, and they were going to bring a Calvin and Hobbes book. What could be better? (Except, I think at the last minute my mom decided she wanted to keep the book. Har.)
ita, can you hope on AIM just for a second?
Project Runway was adorable and hysterical tonight and my Jay-love continues apace.
Did you catch the
Hey -- minor injury question -- when you jam a digit, are you supposed to ice it? I never have, because they don't swell, but I feel I should do
Years of volleyball and I never iced a jammed finger. I just whined a lot.
Not much has changed since then I guess.
Good to know. I have the ice pack just sitting there, but it's all cold and stuff.
Get your mom to kiss it, and you're good.
Hey, I have a question. Touch the back of your skull, just above your neck. Can you make your scalp move?
On Saturday, the PT guy made a big deal about the fact that my neck muscles were so tight he couldn't move mine, but it seems kind of normal to me.
Like the bottom part of your occipital bone? Yeah, I can move my scalp there.