Maria, after you get past the icky faux-Faire dresses on page 2, there truly are lots of very pretty ones. Some totally impractical Art Girl dresses and a handful of meringuey monstrosities, but also quite a few just plain lovely ones.
And if I can come up with any reason or budget to go to the East Coast before your wedding date, I would happily make a DC stop and go dress-shopping. As a former successfully-bought-a-dress-online bride (bride emeritus?) whose wedding party included a dressmaker/former model and a dressmaker/former model and stripper (who totally should call herself a stripper emeritus), I feel as if I have some bizarre wisdom to impart.
IIRC there were people here who liked J. Michael Straczynski? You might be interested in this: [link]
Thanks to you guys for the auto-linky thing. It is so nice.
And now I feel terribly rude for frivoling all over shrift's thwumpage. For which I'm very sorry, as the universe owes shrift a thwump-free day or fifty.
t Puts soft, comfy pillow on shrift's desk, along with a large bottle of scotch.
That's a weird pitch, bon. He's asking other people to get him a job, in effect. Saving an existing show, I get. This is ... odd.
::FedExes shrift men to objectify::
Hands shrift a beer.
I think the general US term for these folks is ultra-orthodox. And, yes, on a sweltering July day in New York, I always feel sorry for the men wearing furry hats. I think it would be only fair if they were allowed to swap to nice cotton hats during the summer, to avoid heatstroke.
I think Nilly had it right. I think it's usually
Hasidic (or Hassidim, or Chassidim).
I see your weird and raise you tacky.
He wants the fans to pitch his show idea to the studio? I don't get it.
And now I feel terribly rude for frivoling all over shrift's thwumpage.
Oh, well, it's all right, because y'all have been discussing wedding dresses and the like, and this has recently become relevant in my life. Last weekend, as the smallest bridesmaid in attendance, I was called upon to model because the sample dresses in the store were mostly a size 8.
Let me just say that I have boobular containment issues with a bridal store size 8. In that I don't get to breathe.
Scotch, I could use. I spent all morning working on servers, and just when I thought I was good to go on the gigantic pile of work that built up whilst I was off making sure everyone else on site could do their work as usual, another server needs my attention.
I think they're conspiring.
Oh, shrift. Modelling BM dresses is a trial no one should have to endure.
How about a Black and Tan? I'm all out of scotch right now.
I don't have scotch, shrift. I have beer, Kahlua, and Merlot.
Oh, and I think some Bailey's.