I slept like AWESOME last night, and now feel fabulous. Or at least well-rested. Phew.
This was me the night before last. Sadly, I'm pretty sure I didn't get any sleep last night.
I should really thank my asshat neighbors for making me feel a lot better about getting out of my current apartment, but I think I'd still rather just beat them about their tiny little heads with blunt instruments.
Seriously, I really don't need to hear a shrill "I think Ashton Kusher is fuckin' gorgeous" at three in the morning while you clod down the stairs.
sumi and I are twins. fear us.
Frank - I think setting booby traps on the stairs might be in order. no jury would convict you.
I do find it nice that there are shows I would watch if I had the time.
Isn't it strange? Instead of whinging that there is nothing good on TV for me to watch, this season has me friggin' *exhausted* because on a given night, I would have, like 3 hours of not-to-be-missed TV to watch. My brain doesn't know what to do with all the quality programming, yo. I'm actually thinking about dropping The O.C. because it's not doing much for me this season and I can't be arsed with catching up with Jack and Bobby on my TiVo.
Another good Krumholtz role: the Shakespeare-loving sidekick in
10 Things I Hate About You.
I friggin' love that movie.
GG last night made me cry harder than any TV show in recent memory.
Oh, my God. That ending killed me. I mean, OK, dramatically interesting, yada yada, but I don't know if I can take so much heartache when I'm supposed to be watching the show for entertainment.
If Logan from GG and Logan from VM had a Logan-off, the VM Logan would probably win (for me). But then, I always seem to prefer my characters seriously messed up. Don't know what that says about me.
Seriously, I really don't need to hear a shrill "I think Ashton Kusher is fuckin' gorgeous" at three in the morning while you clod down the stairs.
Yeah, that's what lj is for. Or at least, that's what I use it for. (In my case Michael Rosenbaum == Ashton Kushner.) Much easier on the neighbors.
I have a thingy this afternoon that should have kept me up last night. (It's a career thingy.) Thank goodness for the sleepifying power of benedryl.
Ouch, Frank. That would be unbearable. I realize I've been very lucky in that I've hardly ever lived anywhere I could hear anything else in the building. Out the window is another story. Still my favorite, five years later: The drunk guy in the middle of the night directly outside my window screaming "BOB!! I LOVE YOU BOB!" Bob would say something inaudible. "BUT I LOVE YOU BOB!! BOB!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!" and on and on. I felt bad for Bob, ultimately.
Ah, reminders of senior year of college in a double shotgun house (double shotgun = New Orleanian for "duplex"). The other half occupied by a young couple -- the woman being very, um, vocal during, um, amorous moments.
Vonnie -- you think that GG Logan
messed up? My take on why he
has a driver rather than a car is that he has already lost his license, possibly due to some dui related incident. Perhaps I'm just misjudging. . . perhaps as a wealthy New Yorker it makes more sense to have a driver than a car.
But I'm moving into more than 3 times the space, and only the landlord (a single guy) upstairs. He seems a bit of an odd duck, but the kind of odd duck I can deal with.
I really hate moving, but my neighbors (and they all seem to be either people who work the night shift, so they come in at 5 in the morning, or students at Salem State College) are making it reallllly easy. I swear it wasn't this bad before I signed the lease on the new place, but I'm sure that's just my perception.
I hope he's not quackers, Frank.
Whether or not your theory is correct, sumi, I still think Echolls would win for most disturbed woobie. Would also win in the snark-off and HoYay! events.
I am at work now. Bleah.