Seriously, I really don't need to hear a shrill "I think Ashton Kusher is fuckin' gorgeous" at three in the morning while you clod down the stairs.
Yeah, that's what lj is for. Or at least, that's what I use it for. (In my case Michael Rosenbaum == Ashton Kushner.) Much easier on the neighbors.
I have a thingy this afternoon that should have kept me up last night. (It's a career thingy.) Thank goodness for the sleepifying power of benedryl.
Ouch, Frank. That would be unbearable. I realize I've been very lucky in that I've hardly ever lived anywhere I could hear anything else in the building. Out the window is another story. Still my favorite, five years later: The drunk guy in the middle of the night directly outside my window screaming "BOB!! I LOVE YOU BOB!" Bob would say something inaudible. "BUT I LOVE YOU BOB!! BOB!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!" and on and on. I felt bad for Bob, ultimately.
Ah, reminders of senior year of college in a double shotgun house (double shotgun = New Orleanian for "duplex"). The other half occupied by a young couple -- the woman being very, um, vocal during, um, amorous moments.
Vonnie -- you think that GG Logan
messed up? My take on why he
has a driver rather than a car is that he has already lost his license, possibly due to some dui related incident. Perhaps I'm just misjudging. . . perhaps as a wealthy New Yorker it makes more sense to have a driver than a car.
But I'm moving into more than 3 times the space, and only the landlord (a single guy) upstairs. He seems a bit of an odd duck, but the kind of odd duck I can deal with.
I really hate moving, but my neighbors (and they all seem to be either people who work the night shift, so they come in at 5 in the morning, or students at Salem State College) are making it reallllly easy. I swear it wasn't this bad before I signed the lease on the new place, but I'm sure that's just my perception.
I hope he's not quackers, Frank.
Whether or not your theory is correct, sumi, I still think Echolls would win for most disturbed woobie. Would also win in the snark-off and HoYay! events.
I am at work now. Bleah.
For messed up Logans, I pick Wolverine. And possibly Logan from L&O. They've had time to grown into their messes.
But they all have their nummy moments. If I had to F/C/M Logan, Logan and Logan, then I'd have a problem. But if you switch Logan for Logan, then at least I'd have one to C without that much remorse.
As an odd addendum to this conversation, my friend made Logan bread to share with our backpacking class last night. Twas yum.