Hey, Alibelle, can you link to this shockwave daily jigsaw you spoke of?
Why is this table nearly twice as large in Word? Why can't I manually adjust row heights? Why isn't it just fitting on one bloody page?!?!?
I was just making a Word table today. I love how when you're pasting part of one column into another column, if you click in the first cell of the column you're pasting into, it pastes it as a tiny 16-cell table inside that one cell, and if you select the whole column, it pastes the list over and over until it fills the entire column. Like I want to count exactly how many cells are in the range and carefully select them before I paste.
the universe gave me my valentine this morning in the form of a flung rock that put a chip in the new windshield I bought last fall. Thanks, universe.
Note to self: abandon "too dangerous, might lead to universal destruction" restriction on science experiments.
Such a funny guy -- YYY
If it makes you feel better, my brother was born on Mother's Day, and he was slow about it, so my mom was in screaming pain for about 11 hours that day.
Hee. I came very close to being born on Labor Day.
That Dr Pepper ad is hiliarious -- the woman in it looks like a muppet! But she's real.
I don't feel like working anymore. Right now, I have to make an excel spread sheet on these scholarships things for which I've already created about five hundred different lists. And unfortunately, none of them are compatible with each other, so I keep having to re-type all the text. And all of this is for a scholarship committee that wants to be able to look at the list of scholarships, and decide who gets what, and they don't want to be inconvenienced by having to turn a page. Since they have a nice Word file on each scholarship. They have a nice abbreviated Word file that lists each scholarship and its abbreviated criteria all on one page, and they have a nice book, which also contains all the scholarship information. And now there needs to be an excel spreadsheet. Why is this always my job? I've been working on this thing for over two years. Why? What did they do before I could reformat it up the wazoo? I'm not really as whiny/irritated/annoyed as I sound, I swear. I would just rather hold hands and sing songs, instead.
And maybe go find and eat some pink heart cookies.
Like anything by Ann Coulter
yep, there's one.
I did my duty- I just made sure that everyone who reads the egroup knows tha tmanga and anime were never intended to be children't entertaimnet exclusively. ( I was good - I didn't tell them that anything with a parental advisory label o it was just that - a label advising people of contents, not something that will stop an eight year old from legally buying something)
How do you know it wasn't Jesse who's lying?
Because you're a liar.
Sorry, tommyrot!
Noumenon, it's here: [link] It changes at midnight. Also, I liked those hearts. Pretty.
Like I want to count exactly how many cells are in the range and carefully select them before I paste.
Oh, yes, I've played that game before too. The entire reason I'm having to do the careful tweaking I'm doing (Word has crashed twice more, btw) is because if you have a table larger than the page size in Word? You're fucked.
St. Valentine must be the patron saint of computer gremlins, because Word Perfect keeps crashing on me today. Always after I've made significant changes, but right before I save.
that is not right.
Well, especially depending on which muppet she looks like.