I am hiding in my office today - V-Day? on a Monday? what could be worse? Well that would be being in a school where people are sending each other flowers and candy and singing telegrams. The inevitable teary student is what I dread. Being an emotionally detached teenager I didn't have much wrapped up in V-Day (NYE is my big emotional holiday). Yet every year I would dread it for the angst it caused so many others. Even in college I remember seeing a friend bawling because no one had sent her a flower.
Already I see the girls with one carnation giving the girl with the bouquet of roses the fisheye.
How awful msbelle. I don't recall ever stressing over the day. My February 14 is mostly spent remembering my dad on the anniversary of his birth. I noticed a number of balloons and flowers when I dropped off at middle school this morning. I asked Brendon if he wanted to bring candy to school for a bowl in his homeroom or something, but he declined.
I have a diamond engagement ring, and seven little diamonds on my wedding band. I was blissfully ignorant of the ethical dirt when I got them, so I'm going to keep on loving them.
My s-i-l has an emerald, and wears it daily. She's had no problems for 10 years. That said, they just aren't that durable. It's also hard to find the natural ones (and one of the things I think is so pretty about hers, is that it has diamond accents, which set off the green so nicely, which brings us right back to the diamond problem. I also like sapphires so much better when they're set with diamonds). On the other hand, my mum lost her diamond right out of the setting, one Christmas. We never did find it, either. It was a beautiful, flawless, colorless (nearly blue looking) stone. She was heart broken.
Oh! According to the Buffista Calendar, it's Deena and her DH's anniversary today. Happy anniversary! With lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year together.
Oh, msbelle -- I'd forgotten all about in-school flowers and how completely awful they were.
t shudder
Heh. My biggest dread was that I WOULD get flowers. No spotlight for me, please. Other than that, I could care less.
It did happen a couple times. Once really awkward, uh ok,kthxbye. The other time my evil friends did it to torment me and that was ok cause I got to whap them on the head with a reallytacky garish bouquet, so it was funny. I'd forgotten about that.
Happy Anniversary, Deena and DH!
The boy who was my boyfriend in my senior year of high school, sent me carnations through the school, every Valentine's Day, throughout. Until we were going together, he always signed the tags with "Cyrano" or "Jim Morrison" or something like that. I'd completely forgotten about that. I always knew it was him, but I don't think I let on, until we were going together. I can't remember. It was fun to get that memory back.
Happy Anniversay Deena and Greg
I'd forgotten all about in-school flowers and how completely awful they were.
I think that this has left residual V-Day dislike for me. You spend years with some little hope that something unexpected and extraordinary will happen and it never does.