I will miss her very much when she moves out (also, I'll have nobody to snark at "Alias" with).
Oh, that is a bummer. But! My friends and I have a time-honored tradition of watching tv together on the phone -- either just calling at the commercial, or staying on the whole time. Goofy, but fun.
How much cocaine should be allowed in a racehorse?
Tonight on the Eleven O'Clock News, two year-old thoroughbreds caught on film doing drugs in crackstables. Do you know where your ponies are?
My friends and I have a time-honored tradition of watching tv together on the phone -- either just calling at the commercial, or staying on the whole time. Goofy, but fun.
Ah, I used to do that with my sister with BTVS.
My Little Pony
was arrested today in a pre-dawn drug raid.
I like your method.
Me too. If it works, it'll be the first time in my entire life that I've been to an entire semester of school. That would be something.
So you're nearly in three down? Either way, you're at least half-way through.
Yup! It feels SO good to get them out of the way. The last one is the biggest project (the one I'm writing on b.org and the Bronze), so it's gonna take me a little while. But, when I get them done, I'm opening a bottle of prosecco and celebrating.
In what sense? If we had bridesmaids here, I think all of us roommates would count as ones.
I guess that's what I meant, but I didn't want to specifically ask about bridesmaids, 'cause I didn't think you guys did that.
Also, I'm probably going to make the kipa for the groom (very nice guy, by the way).
Very cool. But what's a kipa?
Last week we folded invitations and tied a ribbon around the fold in each, for a whole evening.
These sound beautiful.
I will miss her very much when she moves out (also, I'll have nobody to snark at "Alias" with).
I bet!
Scientists invent a thingie that can "see into the future."
I remain highly skeptical.
My friends and I have a time-honored tradition of watching tv together on the phone -- either just calling at the commercial, or staying on the whole time. Goofy, but fun.
We should totally try that. Hmm.
The last one is the biggest project (the one I'm writing on b.org and the Bronze)
Oh, I'd so very much want to read this one, when you're done! I'd love to read about your conclusions.
But what's a kipa?
Yarmulka, is I think how you'd say in English (or should it end with an "e"?). The piece of cloth that orthodox Jewish men have on their heads, to cover them? They can be made of fabric or crocheted (that's what I do).
[Edited because words should not have spaces in them]
They can be made of fabric or crocheted (that's what I do).
Once or twice I've seen them made of leather.
Once or twice I've seen them made of leather.
I can't remember seeing leather ones in Israel. Maybe it's a USA thing?
The last one is the biggest project (the one I'm writing on b.org and the Bronze)
Oh, I'd so very much want to read this one, when you're done! I'd love to read about your conclusions.
I think I'm going to try to find someone to host it online as a PDF. I think a lot of people would like to read it, based on the requests I got while doing the surveys. It should be interesting. I'm afraid it's going to be too long...so, what I might do is write a shorter version now and expand on it as my Senior Thesis for my English degree (I'm double-majoring in English and Psychology, so I'll have to have a psych thesis too).
Yarmulka, is I think how you'd say in English (or should it end with an "e"?). The piece of cloth that orthodox Jewish men have on their heads, to cover them? They can be made of fabric or crocheted (that's what I do).
Gotcha. I should have known that one.