Hi Nlly!
I send up a silent prayer every third or fourth consumption of oatmeal. In fact, when I have today's steel cut oats, I'll make sure to. You guys don't need to praise oatmeal. ita has it well covered.
Wow, talk about your false (and WRONG) idols.
I'm trying to decide where I should go to breakfast. It's a tough decision.
There are apple almond muffins in the oven, smelling delicious. I recommend The TomW Husband Model muchly.
Mornin'! I just had oatmeal. It was nummy. Now to shower.
Yes, I'm having a highly eventful Sunday.
Jesse! VW! Lee!
Jesse, I remember you once said something similar about people who describe their life as parents, and then it clicked for me - how every difference, not just the ocean-cross-y language-barrier-y, is really interesting to see, in people's lives. I'm totally with you on that.
Kristin, happy second-day-of-your-new-age! My computer wasn't alive enough last week to wish you "happy birthday" on time.
hey, at least the thought of showering has entered your brain. I'm still all zombie like.
I've already showered, which shocks me. But, the grocery delivery people were coming. I didn't want to be all stinky with them.
Nilly, how are things? I haven't chatted with you in ages.
Wow, talk about your false (and WRONG) idols.
You should probably consider my worship of chocolate tainted by association and forego participating in it yourself.
Robin! Feel better.
Hi Nilly! Don't worry about it. Many people were very sweet and wished Maria and me happy birthdays, and they were much appreciated.
Nora, that is true...though the actual process of getting
to the shower seems to be taking me some time and effort, here.
Ack! Robin, feel better.
VW! I'm so sorry I missed you this week. Rain check soon?
VW, I'm caught in trying to finish the former semester, and the new one begins next week (yours had already started, right?), and I'm embarrassingly behind on my actual work. Oh, and my roommate gets married in 3 weeks and 2 days, not that she's counting.