And I swear I've never seen Dutch processed cocoa in the stores.
It can be tough to find, but we just got some of the Hershey European dutched. It's pretty good. I think we may try mail order next time.
ION, I just caught up on the OC. I need to vent:
Argh. Seriously,
I spontaneously burst into tears at the whole last Sandy/Rebecca and Sandy/Kirsten scenes.
I agree Nora. They shouldn't be messing with the Sandy/Kirsten magic.
those bastards made me cry.
t shaking fist at sky
And not in a good Tim Minear way!
During the entire
scene, I was yelling at theTV (hey, my throat hurts a little bit). THen I turned to Tom and said, "I am SPITTING mad. I just had to swallow a ton of saliva so I wouldn't start yelling and ranting and spitting."
I think he was a little taken aback by my reaction. I am pretty tired/burnt out, in general though.
So, in non-OC related news, I ate an excellent Indian buffet for lunch (maybe around 1:30pm) today and am still not hungry. I do not think we will eat dinner. Weird.
Lee, I don't know how to post pictures on the Internets. Lori has my permission to post if she wants, meanwhile I will try to set up a photo account somewhere.
Yay, puppy pictures!
(whenever people get a chance to put them up)
I just got investment spam from a domain that showed up as "interbu..." I had to click because my mind instantly read "interbunny"
Oh, horsey portion of the hivemind....
Let's say a man in my novel wanted to give a woman a lift on his light cavalry charger. Would he boost her onto the horse and mount afterward? Or if there was someone else there to assist, would our cavalry officer mount first and have the other guy help the woman? And would it be easier for her to sit in front of the rider or behind? FWIW, this is a non-sexual situation, since the woman is the officer's cousin and has been a widow for something under an hour. I just need to get them onto the horse so I can wrap up the scene smoothly.
Congratulations to the haydens! Welcome Abraham! As an Illinois resident, I can't help but notice that he was born on the eve of Lincoln's birthday. (Unless he was born after midnight -- in which case - he shares Lincoln's birthday.) An auspicious time for Great Abes.
My younger brother shares his birthday with Lincoln. And Darwin. And the discovery of the fossilised remains of the world's oldest vomit.
Some of these items may have resonance with his birthday celebrations last night.