Congratulations to the haydens! Welcome Abraham! As an Illinois resident, I can't help but notice that he was born on the eve of Lincoln's birthday. (Unless he was born after midnight -- in which case - he shares Lincoln's birthday.) An auspicious time for Great Abes.
My younger brother shares his birthday with Lincoln. And Darwin. And the discovery of the fossilised remains of the world's oldest vomit.
Some of these items may have resonance with his birthday celebrations last night.
Do they celebrate Lincoln's birthday in Australia? Because we don't even celebrate it in the US anymore.
So if the older woman with bad eyesight who lives in my building leans over so she can stare at my laundry when we are in the elevator, I'm allowed to nickname her Creepy Old Woman, right?
eta: Hi Billytea! How's things?
He is finally getting a Presidential Library. [link]
Lee, I think you are obligated to.
Happy Birthday, Kristin! Happy Birthday, MFNlaw! Happy Birthday, Baby Hayden!
GF and I are gonna make Valentine's brown sugar cookies (old family recipe). I love making Valentine's cookies cause I can use all the PINK I want! Plus cute hearts!
So cool! So fun! So PINK! Lucky. I just had to go console myself by buying a vanilla latte from Starbucks.
Do they celebrate Lincoln's birthday in Australia? Because we don't even celebrate it in the US anymore.
Lord no. We have a day off for the Queen's birthday (about a month after her actual birthday, FWIW).
eta: Hi Billytea! How's things?
Hi Lee! Things are up and down. Youngest brother's moved into the apartment, that's good. We're all in Canberra right now, for my nephew's christening. Haven't seen older brother, but he still manages to cast a shadow over events. Oh, and my neck has worsened after spending the night in a strange bed (a futon, to be precise). That sucks mightily.
How are you going?
Somehow I knew you'd understand, Alibelle. Vanilla latte, yum!
I'm glad for the good, and hope the bad gets better soon.
I'm good. I should be doing a lot, since I have a huge amount I have to get done this weekend, but I'm not. My back is beginning to feel better, which is good.