Gah. Somone save me please. I'm sneaking a break during my staff conference followinga FIVE HOUR session on best practces. In fact, forget save me, jst shoot me.
web tv inthe room - huh. It's very strange. And the screen res is crappy enough that I cn't really see what I'm typing.
God, what I would'thave given for a sidekick or somesuch today. So. Started at 7 this morning
Five hours? Sounds like they could use some best practices oversight themselves.
Sounds more like an endurance test, or an EST seminar from the 70's.
Whoops, lost te cursor. Suffice to say I'monhour11 a won't be through until 9. And then alll over agian tomorro
But, my boss just read me my performance review, which was glowing. So that's cool. And there's obscene amounts of good food and wll be plety of liquor at dinner, even though,like lucnch, dinner will be anothermeeting.
Thank god we only do this three times a year.
Too self indulgent? Dude, that's what BW is for.
I'm trying to time my next massage. My first two were either side of a solid week of phase training. But the next phase training is two long weekends, separated by a weekend. I'm flummoxed.
You, on the other hand, have it easy. Go!
I just substituted 1oz of unsweetened and 1oz of semisweetened for 2oz of bittersweet chocolate. And I swear I've never seen Dutch processed cocoa in the stores. Unless it's the default process.
Still, I suspect the chocolate cupcakes will turn out quite okay.
Hmm. The Sci Fi Channel is rebroadcasting The 4400.
I think I just might do that, ita. I think you should have a massage just before the training, one on the separating weekend, and one right after.
I'd be happy to test the cupcakes for you, if you want.
And I swear I've never seen Dutch processed cocoa in the stores. Unless it's the default process.
It's not default. It would say it on the tin.
I think you should have a massage just before the training, one on the separating weekend, and one right after.
I'll get right on winning that lottery, then. God, I have to work out how to exercise for the middle week too. I hate this new schedule.
It's not default. It would say it on the tin.
Its appearance in recipes far outstrips its appearance in the stores. Not fair.
And I swear I've never seen Dutch processed cocoa in the stores. Unless it's the default process.
Hershey's European Style is Dutch processed, and it's in every store I've been in. (It's not the best quality cocoa in the world, but does in a pinch.)
Droste is one of the other common brands of it.
Still, I suspect the chocolate cupcakes will turn out quite okay.
mmm.. cupcakes. Are these the ones in this months CI?
Hershey's European Style is Dutch processed, and it's in every store I've been in.
I gotta admit, I don't look at the Hershey's. Still -- I thought I'd have noticed. Droste, huh? I'll keep an eye out for that.
Are these the ones in this months CI?