Hershey's European Style is Dutch processed, and it's in every store I've been in.
I gotta admit, I don't look at the Hershey's. Still -- I thought I'd have noticed. Droste, huh? I'll keep an eye out for that.
Are these the ones in this months CI?
I gotta admit, I don't look at the Hershey's. Still -- I thought I'd have noticed. Droste, huh? I'll keep an eye out for that.
I don't think most of the Dutch processed brands have it in big letters. I like the stuff for hot chocolate (it mixes better with liquids, and the reduced acidity makes it nice and mellow), so I've been seeking it out for years.
Well, today I slept way too late.
Then I went and washed my car, bought these shoes on sale. You can all recover from your faint that they are not black now. Of course this means that I still need to find a pair of black shoes. Then I drove around through various neighborhoods and had a weird deja vu, except it really wasn't. It was how I'd pictured neighborhoods "back east" when I was little. Anywho, then I hit the catfood place and stocked up, hit mcdonalds for emergency rations, went grocery shopping, came home and baked one batch of chocolate espresso cookies, another of ginger cookies, weatherproofed my new shoes, weatherproofed my old ones, washed the stove and teapots and now I'm sitting here listening to Emmy Lou and thinking I should eat, since the nuggets and fries that I bought from the dollar menu at 4 weren't really a lot of food (I had to eat or I would have cried. Ah blood sugar.) Now wasn't that exciting. Just what you all wanted to know.
Laundry is tomorrow. And maybe some more driving around. I have a $100 target card...and I haven't even spent the last $10 on the one from christmas.
Forgot to pick up tax forms and discovered that because my bank merged in the past couple of years and lost the old name up here, I can't automatically reorder checks from them. With 9 left, this is annoying. If you don't go through your bank, what do you have to have in order to get it from some other place ? (oh, I'll look in the sunday paper. Always has stuff there.)
I really ought to eat something.
Adorable shoes (even with the wedge heel). Am very jealous.
Lori and I had a late morning. We ate breakfast at a dinner called Eat Well then did some errands. When we got home, it was warm and sunny (one of the few sunburnsts in a winter of rains) so we took our bikes, rode to Robin's place and took pictures of Layla, who is adorable.
I need to ride my bike more.
what do you have to have in order to get it from some other place
Not very much, in my experience. A voided current cheque, IIRC.
Thanks for the heads up, PMM. I suspect I haven't been looking closely enough. I hoped that maybe I'd bought it by mistake, but the Ghirardelli in the cupboard is vanilla chocolate, so to speak.
That sounds like a nice day. I miss bike riding around the neighborhood back home (I wouldn't dare here, sadly.) And PUPPY!
I wasn't sure I'd like thee shoes, especially since Not Black and the Wedge. But really? So adorable. Such a nice olive shade (not as green as appears on my screen.)
Sometimes, I am a shoe sucker.
I want new shoes, but possibly not enough to go shopping.
This couple on TLC has a daugher named Nirvana. After the band.
Urk. She'd have all sorts of issues even without the band name.
I really need to go through my shoes. I have several pairs I haven't worn in over a year because after a few wearings, they proved to be devil shoes on my feet. And some old ones that I retired due to the heels wearing down that I ought to either repair or chuck. Hmmmm. I wonder if the consignment shop nearby would be interested in the rarelyworn ones?
GF and I are gonna make Valentine's brown sugar cookies (old family recipe). I love making Valentine's cookies cause I can use all the PINK I want! Plus cute hearts!
I tried to make a masage appointment for tomorrow, but it was not to be.
At least my eyebrows will look pretty.