is C in some Oxygen movie with Jennifer Love Hewitt?
PROMOS???? Now I have to watch something on Oxygen other than Bliss.
Ayup. He's making with the Love. I'm so excited. But it's the third of the tv movies he shot in the fall. I wonder if it's making to air first?
Glad the rest of your day was good, Alibelle. Rough life!
I finally talked to a professor from last semester, who I thought I was going to get an A from, but from whom I actually receive an A-, and he told me that that grade was a mistake, and he's going to change it.
I tell you what, it is a relief to hear that that happens. Because I thought it happened with me, but no, the A- was my real grade, but I was afraid I was a grade-grubbing freak.
I was afraid I was a grade-grubbing freak
Could still be true, Capy.
I tell you what, it is a relief to hear that that happens. Because I thought it happened with me, but no, the A- was my real grade, but I was afraid I was a grade-grubbing freak.
Oh, yeah. Totally. I have that fear all the time. The only reason I really pressed it in this case was because the teacher flat out told me last semester that I was getting an A, and then when I saw my grades it was an A-, and I was going crazy trying to figure out what had changed from the last time I had spoken to him, since we hadn't turned in any additional materials. And I was still afraid I was going to get the "An A- is not a bad grade" speech. Which I hate.
Put me in the "not watching SotU because I'd like to still have a TV in the morning" category.
Me, too. We're watching Batman:TAS.
The only reason I really pressed it in this case was because the teacher flat out told me last semester that I was getting an A,
My big justification was that I didn't know what I had gotten on the final project that was 40% of my grade, so I just asked about that. Luckily, no speech, since it was all via email.
Instead of the SotU, DH and I watched an ep of Queer Eye off the Tivo. It seemed fitting.
I'll read the transcript tomorrow, but I doubt there'll be any surprises. Blah blah Iraq, blah blah 9/11, blah blah social security, blah blah mandate blah blah freedom, rinse repeat.
My big justification was that I didn't know what I had gotten on the final project that was 40% of my grade, so I just asked about that. Luckily, no speech, since it was all via email.
Oh, I see. Actually, I've been in that exact same situation, too. Unfortunately, the teacher is a little spacey (and I love her, and still talk to her to this day, and sometimes just hang out with her), and I have never been able to get her to focus enough to tell me what my final grade was, that managed to bring down my grade enough that it worked against the perfect attendance, extra credit things, and straight A's on all the rest of the projects. Grades can be very frustrating.
But not nearly as frustrating as the SotU.
Grades can be very frustrating.
True that.
But not nearly as frustrating as the SotU.
True THAT.
I thought I'd pay bills and watch. Double my pleasure, double my fun.