I don't know that MJ isn't absolutely banana cakes.
Its obvious to me, though, that "they" love to paint him as nuts and have for a long time. Why is it crazier when madly wealthy and wildly creative to to have a sequined wardrobe that you design yourself and and have made than to wear the identical hand-made suit as every other multi millionaire? Why is it crazier to build an amusement park filled with every pet you could ever want than to buy an island in the carribbean and fly in supermodels for coke orgies? Lots of celebrities with too much money keep doing plastic surgery-- and if some things went wrong (the nose, the burns) plenty of them might keep trying to make their face look a way they're happy with. I loved being a camp counselor, given my druthers I might do that forever. If every person I met wanted something from me except small children and my gigantic immediate family I might only hang out with those people (He DOES hang out with adults, they're just all kin. Hell, most of my father's seven siblings primarily socialize with each other and their cousins. It's not inherently sick.)
None of its inherently sick. If he's molesting kids he's sick -- but none of the above are a) necessarily crazy or b) "symptoms" that he's a pedophile.
None of its inherently sick. If he's molesting kids he's sick -- but none of the above are a) necessarily crazy or b) "symptoms" that he's a pedophile.
Trudy, I really admire how you speak up to defend people when they're getting the short end of the stick. However, I don't think, in reading this discussion, that anyone here is saying that his quirks of clothing, residence, etc., are crazy, or that they're symptoms of pedophilia. People have pretty much been focusing on the sleeping in the same bed with kids part of it.
Allyson! From Defamer:
This morning as we dawdled at our table drinking that oh-so-necessary 6th cup of coffee, I got to watch Benjamin McKenzie waiting for 20 minutes or so for a table at Home in Los Feliz
Okay, you don't care about Ryan Atwood, but his actor was, like, totally in your nabe.
Wait -- Nutty -- how about being in love with fictional characters -- does that scare you too?
Steph, I don't necessarily mean here, I should have been more clear. I mean the society at large. "The man is nuts" "Of course he did it" seems to be the beginning and end of the discussion.
Then they all pop popcorn and watch the circus.
I got to watch Benjamin McKenzie waiting for 20 minutes or so for a table at Home in Los Feliz
You know, Durham restaurants just don't have this kinda view. Unfortunately.
Steph, I don't necessarily mean here, I should have been more clear. I mean the society at large. "The man is nuts" "Of course he did it" seems to be the beginning and end of the discussion.
Ah, got it. (To be fair, people thought/think Dennis Rodman is/was nuts for at least one of the same reasons that MJ gets called on -- his attire/appearance. And I'm not sure people would send their kids to an overnight with Rodman, either.)
Los Feliz is the most star-spottable SoCal neighbourhood I've spent any time in. Of course, that was
Ryan left Chino.
Okay, you don't care about Ryan Atwood, but his actor was, like, totally in your nabe.
I keep hearing that the hobbit boy on LOST lives near me, too. Something about him being at House of Pies often.
It would make waiting for a table so much better.