Steph, I don't necessarily mean here, I should have been more clear. I mean the society at large. "The man is nuts" "Of course he did it" seems to be the beginning and end of the discussion.
Ah, got it. (To be fair, people thought/think Dennis Rodman is/was nuts for at least one of the same reasons that MJ gets called on -- his attire/appearance. And I'm not sure people would send their kids to an overnight with Rodman, either.)
Los Feliz is the most star-spottable SoCal neighbourhood I've spent any time in. Of course, that was
Ryan left Chino.
Okay, you don't care about Ryan Atwood, but his actor was, like, totally in your nabe.
I keep hearing that the hobbit boy on LOST lives near me, too. Something about him being at House of Pies often.
It would make waiting for a table so much better.
I'm not sure people would send their kids to an overnight with Rodman, either.
I wish my parents would.
It's a thing.
I keep hearing that the hobbit boy on LOST lives near me, too. Something about him being at House of Pies often.
Completely coincidentally, we haven't done pie in a while. Honestly coincidentally. I thought he was living in HI.
I wish my parents would.
It's a thing.
Sweetie, you don't have to wait for your parents to send you places anymore.
I'm not sure people would send their kids to an overnight with Rodman, either.
Yeah, I'm still pissed at Mom about that.
We should totally have pie!
He's working in Hawaii, but when not there, apparently lives here. I have never recognized any famous people in Los Feliz, except for Gwen Stefani a few years ago.
Ben was at Home?!! *thud*
I wonder if he orders his eggs over hard absolutely nothing moving.