No. It only means at least some parents/guardians are willing to let their kids spend time with him at Neverland. Anything else is reading into their motivation, and I don't think anyone posting here has that much insight into these individuals' mindset.
I disagree. I think its a reasonable assumption that the vast, vast, VAST majority of parents would not let their children do something unsafe. If it were a few nasty old parent-pimps that would be one thing, but this is hundreds of people.
I just need to point out that in the northern US, winter is NEVER OVER IN EARLY FEBRUARY.
I think its a reasonable assumption that the vast, vast, VAST majority of parents would not let their children do something unsafe.
You are less cynical than I am. So our definitions of reasonable differ.
I think it's a snap to find hundreds of children whose parents a) aren't paying attention b) don't care c) are wrong or d) can be distracted. You have a more cuddly view of human nature.
In the corner with sarameg.
Why are you in places with appreciable winters, then?
This post brought to you courtesy of Lee's ipod.
I have an inexplicable fondness for George Michael's Freedom '90. This makes me feel very old.
My ipod has an explicable fondness for Lyle Lovett songs. This makes me feel very happy. Or sad, depending on the songs that come up.
Co-sponsored by a longer than normal morning commute.
sara, you have at least a shot of early spring coming in February. Sue? I really hate to break this to you, but you live in Canadia! It's going to be cold for some time there. Sorry.
I just need to point out that in the northern US, winter is NEVER OVER IN EARLY FEBRUARY.
Are you a groundhog? I don't think you have the authority to tell us that unless you're an oversized rodent. Also, if you are in fact an oversized rodent, let me congratulate you on your language skills.
I just need to point out that in the northern US, winter is NEVER OVER IN EARLY FEBRUARY.
Different places have different definitions of "winter."
Though I gotta admit that my first winter in NC, winter ended in mid-February when the temps got up to (and stayed at) 80.