Things what Snopes taught me about California laws:
- Those under 18 cannot buy any of several different forms of performance-enhancing dietary supplements.
- Insurers must offer domestic partners the same health care benefits provided to married couples.
- Domestic partners will have a broader range of rights and responsibilities, from pensions to inheritance to paying bills, when a partner dies. This measure was passed in 2003, but its implementation was set for 2005.
- Hotels cannot raise their rates more than 10 percent after a natural disaster.
- Motorists cannot buy devices, now used by emergency vehicles, to change red lights to green. [dude, I didn't even know they existed ...]
- Headlights must be turned on when weather conditions require continuous use of windshield wipers.
- Users and Internet Service Providers can collect $1,000 for each unwanted e-mail advertisement sent to them using a false or misleading subject or address. [oh, if I had a
nickel grand for every anti-spam law too impractical to make use of]
- The bedroom is added to a list of locations ordered off-limits to filming without permission in response to an explosion of cell-phone cameras and miniature recorders. Current law already includes dressing rooms and bathrooms.
- Smoking in prisons by inmates and guards will become illegal on 1 July 2005.
The only exception is for older men, who are given an extra four-fifths of an inch to hide baldness.
You can't do a decent comb over with only an extra four-fifths of an inch.
• Smoking in prisons by inmates and guards will become illegal on 1 July 2005.
Sounds like the fireworks are going to be starting a bit early for this Fourth of July in California.
This is great news. I am wealthy now, just by reading that sentence.
Have you seen Hello Cthulu?
cranks up "I Wanna Be Your Dog"
I'm gonna stick with shrift's earworm, okay?
Zoot Suits did cause fashion riots. Or at least Zoot Suit wearing Chicanos did have big riots with soldiers in LA in the forties. But I'm pro-dandyism, and hereby declare that North Korea is officially the Least Rock and Roll Country Ever. As punishment, they are never allowed to hear "I Wanna Be Your Dog."
The only exception is for older men, who are given an extra four-fifths of an inch to hide baldness.
For they have seen The Donald, and they are sore afraid.
Ali -- I can't believe you don't hate "Butterfly Kisses." Its evil is palpable, and there's not even leather involved. I demand you hate it, now.
But why? I think it's sweet. Seriously-- what are people objecting to? (Keep in mind that I've never particularly sought out the lyrics.)
Sought looks wrong, but isn't.
N. Korea is making me laugh. That might be because my hair is making me dumb, though.
Zoot Suits did cause fashion riots. Or at least Zoot Suit wearing Chicanos did have big riots with soldiers in LA in the forties.
I was going to say. It was really serious, and yet another example of targeting chicanos/blacks/racismcakes. Making the zoot suit fashionable again, and yet still marketing it to a particular ethnic group seems really wrong to me.
That said, one guy did wear a zoot suit with an ugly hat to my prom.
I went to the prom by myself (and I looked very pretty, if I do say so myself. I loved my dress). Those two comments are very possibly related.
This is great news. I am wealthy now, just by reading that sentence.
Seriously. Speaking as a CA resident... how do I make that $1000 happen? ita, you're going to figure it out and then share the wealth, right?