I'm now stuck on "Isn't She Lovely."
However, perhaps a better father/daughter dance is Anotherloverholenyohead. On principle. Title principle. So not lyrics principle.
Ali -- I can't believe you don't hate "Butterfly Kisses." Its evil is palpable, and there's not even leather involved. I demand you hate it, now.
I am good. Tired from too much working and too much moving, but good. How are you?
After looking at the lyrics, I can safely say that I have never heard the song "Butterfly Kisses". I take it I should be glad about this.
I'm not sure if I had a traditional father/daughter dance at my wedding. DH and I went out to do our first dance and then my mom and dad joined us and then we did the switch partners and my dad danced with me and DH danced with my mom. But we danced to our same first dance song (which was "The Way You Look Tonight" Sinatra version).
ETA: Score! Cereal post. It's the little things, really.
kat, you moved? I swear to god, every time I see a piece of half-decent furniture out on the street, I think of you guys.
Yep, we moved. And we threw out about half of our furniture, too, so if you see something good, give a holler. We are city-dwellers now because two hour commutes from NJ to the Bronx do not make for happy, fun kat.
I think my head just exploded from all the competing earworms.
t cranks up "I Wanna Be Your Dog"
t successfully avoids the earworm
Hot thing!
Hot thing, barely 21
Hot thing, looking 4 big fun
Hot thing, what's your fantasy?
Do U wanna play with me?
She's sexy and 17
My little rock-n-roll queen
Hahaha. I don't know most of these and the few that I do are not sticky.
I have bigger problems, though. I'm starving (because I ran out of lunch food) and I have to go grocery shoppping after work (because I ran out of lunch food) and that never ends well.