I do not know what saltfish fritters are. An object breaded and fried (within reason, Mars Bars I am talking to YOU) is not a fritter, is it? A fritter is a ball of fried dough with nothing else inside it, like a doughnut, but no hole, and both greasy and heavy at the same time. And although I am informed that they come in non-corn flavors, I can reliably say that the corn flavors are yucky.
Actually, there isn't a lot you can do with corn to please me, besides corn bread and corn-on-the-cob. It always tastes the same. I think if I'd lived in Pilgrim times, I'd have starved.
Georgia has Two Egg and Climax. Climax has its annual Swine Time Festival celebrating the Joy of Pigs.
"Climax" and "Pigs" should not be in the same sentence.
Alibelle, I was purely teasing. Purely. I'm certain you aren't snooty. I was being reversed-viola-snooty in jest. Darn this internet and it's lack of teasing inflection capacity!
Mostly because the music people are all kind of snooty, actually. And I'm of the opinion that music should be fun.
This was why I didn't major in music, actually. To be fair, I knew many non-snooty music types, too, though.
Although I prefer hushpuppies.
I like hushpuppies just fine, because NO KERNALS.
I love corn, in all its variations. I would call it my favorite vegetable, if it wasn't for the apparently-well-known-outside-of-the-Corn-Belt fact that corn is actually a starch, not a vegetable. I was brought up otherwise, though, so it's still my favorite, regardless of what ChiKat says (she's the one who broke the news to me).
ETA: Oh, and hushpuppies are just wrong, as wrong as garlic ice cream.
Alibelle, I was purely teasing. Purely. I'm certain you aren't snooty. I was being reversed-viola-snooty in jest. Darn this internet and it's lack of teasing inflection capacity!
Ha. No, I got it, no worries. I was just playing along.
This was why I didn't major in music, actually. To be fair, I knew many non-snooty music types, too, though.
Of course there are non-snooty music types. But as a group, I find that they tend to be over-impressed with themselves and their musical accomplishments, and they get very competitive about who's better, and who's been playing longer, blah blah blah. And even those people who are like that can be perfectly nice when you take away their instrument, and yet at the same time, the music scene can get very tiresome.
A small cake made of batter, often containing fruit, vegetables, or fish, sautéed or deep-fried.
A small, sweet or savory, deep-fried cake made either by combining chopped food with a thick batter or by dipping pieces of food into a similar batter. Some of the more popular foods used for fritters are apples, corn and crab.
small quantity of fried batter containing fruit or meat or vegetables
Looks like you just haven't been exposed to the world of fritters.
All this talk of corn fritters and hushpuppies makes me want Redbones.
Mmmm, Redbones.
t /Homer Simpson drool noise
Corn fritters? Yum. Apple fritters? Yummier.