A small cake made of batter, often containing fruit, vegetables, or fish, sautéed or deep-fried.
A small, sweet or savory, deep-fried cake made either by combining chopped food with a thick batter or by dipping pieces of food into a similar batter. Some of the more popular foods used for fritters are apples, corn and crab.
small quantity of fried batter containing fruit or meat or vegetables
Looks like you just haven't been exposed to the world of fritters.
All this talk of corn fritters and hushpuppies makes me want Redbones.
Mmmm, Redbones.
t /Homer Simpson drool noise
Corn fritters? Yum. Apple fritters? Yummier.
But as a group, I find that they tend to be over-impressed with themselves and their musical accomplishments, and they get very competitive about who's better, and who's been playing longer, blah blah blah.
Oh yes. I took so much crap from people when they found out I was in the orchestra and receiving a small scholarship for it and yet (gasp) not a music major.
And actually, the violas get picked on a lot for being the "easy" intruments, which is why I used to get so defensive about playing it, especially since I had switched from violin.
"Oh, couldn't hack it as a violinist so you took up viola, huh?" (snide grin)
"No, asshat, I switched to viola because university orchestas always need them and I could get a scholarship."
"Climax" and "Pigs" should not be in the same sentence.
"The emotional climax of
had Farmer Hoggett turn and say, 'That'll do, pig.'"
Looks like you just haven't been exposed to the world of fritters.
And for this I am grateful. I don't even think I know what hush puppies look like. And corn dogs? Let us just say I have a friend from the upper Midwest whose penchant for food-on-sticks we mock mercilessly.
Now Redbones, I can get behind. Even if they no longer serve their drinks in jelly glasses.
Apple fritters are up there with blueberry muffins for breakfast treats. Popovers (which I first encountered at Jordan Pond in Bar Harbor, ME) are great for Sunday brunches (as are Swedish pancakes) and afternoon tea.
Also, I think people who play harmony are infinitely better at counting, because they kind of have to be, whereas playing the melody gave me all kinds of horrible habits when it comes to rhythm.
Well, you certainly can't rely on instinct. ("Okay, now you have twelve beats of rest, an eighth note, and then two measures later a couple of completely random quarter notes. Go!")
Though that means it feels really good once the weirdo rhythm finally does make sense. God, I haven't played in an orchestra... it's been a long time. I miss it. Mind you, I suspect I don't even remember how to read music at this point.
Oh, god, I have such a craving for hush puppies now. Except I have moral objections to the only place in town that I know has good hush puppies.
Apple fritters? Yummier.
Much better than cherry fritters.
t shudder