I'm sorry, but if you don't pay, I can't argue with you.
I would like to tag this and also use it randomly in discussions.
OK, Sue won the cold morning game.
For those of you who don't frequent the Music thread, The Times of London enthusiastically reviewed Lost In The Grooves today.
Awesome, Hec!
Speaking of random: You know when you water a really dry plant, the soil just sucks the water down so fast that it barely looks like you've watered until you get enough water in there for the top layer of soil to get wet? That is how my skin is. I just put lotion on my hands and had to do a second round because my skin just sucked up the first coating so thoroughly. Winter dry=sad.
I'm still waiting for my W-2, and I wish it would come soon. I don't stay in the mood to do my taxes for very long.
I'm in the last few minutes of my last day at work before I fly to the land of Hobbits and Uruk-hai very large beetles and endangered kea birds.
I told someone I would do something for him 2 weeks ago, by the end of business today. It is now 5:30 and all I've done is look at the first 12 pages of this 700-page document.
I feel guilty. But am I really trying to do it, now? No.
I just put lotion on my hands and had to do a second round because my skin just sucked up the first coating so thoroughly. Winter dry=sad.
I've got that now, too. When I was at the bookstore today, I bought a sample pack of a bunch of Burt's Bees lotions to keep in my desk, because my hands and face are always so completely dry from walking outside between classes.
I'm in the last few minutes of my last day at work before I fly to the land of Hobbits and Uruk-hai very large beetles and endangered kea birds.
WOO!! Friends of mine went on their honeymoon to NZ and almost didn't come back. Well, didn't want to, anyway.
I love Burt's Bees stuff, Hil. I've been using the overnight coconut foot cream. Except, both morning and night in the winter.
My MI-5 S2 DVDs came from Netflix, yay. I'm going to watch right now.
My MI-5 S2 DVDs came from Netflix, yay. I'm going to watch right now.
Unpossible! Mine are in the mail
right now.
Give them back.
Muwah-ha-ha. Oh, look, I see Tom! Hi, Tom!
See Tom spy. Spy, Tom, spy.
Well, yeah. I pondered adding [try to] before
, but it threw off the meter.
ita, did you see this? [link]
There were two other Capoeira Fighters?
I'll be back.