I'm in the last few minutes of my last day at work before I fly to the land of Hobbits and Uruk-hai very large beetles and endangered kea birds.
WOO!! Friends of mine went on their honeymoon to NZ and almost didn't come back. Well, didn't want to, anyway.
I love Burt's Bees stuff, Hil. I've been using the overnight coconut foot cream. Except, both morning and night in the winter.
My MI-5 S2 DVDs came from Netflix, yay. I'm going to watch right now.
My MI-5 S2 DVDs came from Netflix, yay. I'm going to watch right now.
Unpossible! Mine are in the mail
right now.
Give them back.
Muwah-ha-ha. Oh, look, I see Tom! Hi, Tom!
See Tom spy. Spy, Tom, spy.
Well, yeah. I pondered adding [try to] before
, but it threw off the meter.
ita, did you see this? [link]
There were two other Capoeira Fighters?
I'll be back.
Dr. Bashir
! (Except
not. He's good.)
And also:
Why isn't Tessa in jail
And do I need to whitefont Season 2?
Season 2's good to talk about in blackfont, since 3 has started.
Font away. Because after reading the synopses on the site (thanks ita for random coments that made me curious), if I ever get to the rental store (or *gasp* do netflix) this is a series I'd watch. Even being spoiled.
I will never work at a polar research station. I knew this ever since I saw my first horror movie set at one, but I just thought I'd reiterate.