People would stop and listen to our guide (my DH)
I guided a whole bunch of folks through Old Sturbridge Village when I was about 8 or 9. I loved that place.
Without fail, every time he mentioned what Jubal Early's units were doing he added, "Does that seem right to you?"
Sadly, no one got it.
I am now both sad and very, very happy. Good DH.
I just got a very "Angel in the art museum" vibe. Art imitates life imitates art imitates life...
made of win!
Una, that's the second time I've read you writing that. Did I miss a definition somewhere? It sounds like something with a good story behind it.
The phrase "made of win"? I think it's just one of those...things. I forget where I picked it up, but I like it.
Oh, it was you P-C? I wondered if it had a Buffista origin like the use of 'wrod' or a child comment or something like that.
Oh, it was you P-C?
I think I've used it recently too, yeah. I don't think it's a Buffista-specific term.
No, "made of win" (and its counterpart "made of fail") is definitely not Buffista origin. I asked for its etymology here once, and no one knew. But I think it's in general geek circulation.
Hm, "made of fail" doesn't roll of the tongue as well. It's the dueling f's.