It looks like Summer Glau is on tonight's episode of the Unit.
Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
I own three movies on DVD. Serenity, The Princess Bride, and The Fifth Element. I love that movie.
I keep thinking that Gary Oldman is channeling Ross Perot for that voice.
He totally is. I don't remember where I heard it, but I remember hearing that he based the accent off Ross Perot.
Joining the T5E love, the chain of life speech is brilliant. I also love the shot of the building exploding behind a calmly smoking Zorg.
So, how 'bout that big damn movie!
DH makes the best grilled butterflied chicken breast in the world. We usually grill and bag about eight at once, to have on hand for salads and sandwiches. All of us have been known to head to the refrigerator to retrieve a bagged chicken breast and chortle, "Chi-cken!" in a Leelu voice.
Okay, I'll stop. After I thank Ash for posting that whole speech. Love it. And I had no idea about the Perot voice, but yeah, it really does sound like him.
So, how 'bout that big damn movie!
The more I watch Serenity, or Firefly for that matter, the more I talk like folk in the 'verse.
The other day, I told a customer on the phone "I reckon we can get that afore your due date, barrin' unforeseen circumstances or the like."
There was a pause, then the customer just said "Well. Alright, then."
Later that same day, having successfully gotten an order out for a customer just in time she said "You're my hero!" To which I muttered "Ain't we just?"
Anybody else have this problem?
I definitely use a lot of Firefly-isms. I tried to use gorram regularly by choice, but it required far too much explanation. Or funny looks from them that know what I'm talking about.
Try using the Chinese. I've been caught telling people to "bizh-wei". (Excuse faux-phonetic spelling, please.)
I call things goh se a lot too.
I've always had a bit of a malleable speaking pattern.. I seem to pick up whatever it is I'm watching/listening to at the time. Good for mimicry, bad for not slipping into someone's accent when you're talking to them.
Try using the Chinese. I've been caught telling people to "bizh-wei".
You know, that may not be Chinese.
t /Tom Servo