Allyson, that number fixed a problem earlier which would have become a big issue, so you did do something. So there.
T - about 200 or so people are registered for the backup bash thing. Dunno how many of them will have stayed for the shindig etc. I suspect some of them will have checked out and gone home by now.
Are these people Denise and Vicki behind this? They seem to be the people behind Angel's Food Drive, but I don't want to jump to conclusions.
The relationship between BE and BE Charitable was questioned last week when the shit hit the fan. The people running BE Charitable rightly distanced themselves from Booster at the time. That said, the same person, Denise, owns both the charity and the company technically.
By the way, Mark Sheppard is still at the hotel as I type. Brett Matthews has turned up, too.
You deserve a drink simply for being you, Allyson.
Thanks for the info Kevin.
I feel a bit sorry for the people at Multiverse, who just purchased the Firefly video game rights from Fox. They were going to do a joint announcement (Multiverse and Fox) and Q&A on the game at Flan, but have ended up standing around in the lobby.
What a bunch of sweethearts who are either showing up for the fans or arranging/helping/organizing... stuff. Good people, man.
Nathan's turned up in the lobby of the Hilton and is hanging out with the fans. They don't even have a venue. What a completely class act that is.
Someone else said this, Allyson, but this would be one hell of an afterword for your book.
13 episodes, not all of which made it to air on the parent network.
out of proportion, yet it's totally not. The fans care, the people on the inside of the little glass box also care.
A think somebody should write an entire book on how companies fuck Firefly related things up, and then fans end up dealing with it. There's been a few examples.