You deserve a drink simply for being you, Allyson.
Thanks for the info Kevin.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
You deserve a drink simply for being you, Allyson.
Thanks for the info Kevin.
I feel a bit sorry for the people at Multiverse, who just purchased the Firefly video game rights from Fox. They were going to do a joint announcement (Multiverse and Fox) and Q&A on the game at Flan, but have ended up standing around in the lobby.
What a bunch of sweethearts who are either showing up for the fans or arranging/helping/organizing... stuff. Good people, man.
Nathan's turned up in the lobby of the Hilton and is hanging out with the fans. They don't even have a venue. What a completely class act that is.
Someone else said this, Allyson, but this would be one hell of an afterword for your book.
13 episodes, not all of which made it to air on the parent network.
It seems out of proportion, yet it's totally not. The fans care, the people on the inside of the little glass box also care.
A think somebody should write an entire book on how companies fuck Firefly related things up, and then fans end up dealing with it. There's been a few examples.
It warms the cockles that about half the guests who were due to attend have turned up anyway, despite not actually being paid to do it, or have security etc.
I think by the time the weekend is over it's quite possible all of them will have turned up at one time or another. Minus Jewel, who's in Canada. (Booster didn't pay for her airfair - surprise surprise!).
I just got back from the Hilton. Nathan, Alan, Mark, Jonathan Woodward and Christina were all there. Someone mentioned that Adam was there also, but I didn't see him.