I stand firmly by the "Operative as Book's proxy" theory, although of course only in general terms.
Agreed. When Mal tells Book that someday he'll have to tell him where he got all is knowledge about operatives and Book responds "No I don't", you could pretty much add "because I already did" to his response. The statements regarding belief tie Book and the Operative together.
I'm probably stating the obvious above, but I though it was cool that Joss didn't feel the need to explain absolutely everything.
I think Tamara is quoted in it:
It isn't me since I have seen the episodes and the movie countless times. :)
Well, yeah. Duh on me. I plead not guilty by reason of it being 5 something in the morning, when I read it.
Joss is in London at the moment, and apparently told somebody he is working on a Firefly related 'sequel' of some description.
Also, Serenity is 1.
Per Warren Ellis's "Bad Signal," he had dinner with people including Whedon and some SFX folk last night. Apparently they were talking about D2DVD stuff quite a bit.
So I'm guessing that's the context.
I'm thinking 1 in a projected series of direct to DVD movies, P-C.